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A fan provided me with something I want to share with everyone!

It's an interactive guide that covers all scenes and tells you how Sana's corruption gets affected by each of them.

It's very well made and I was really surprised. It even came with some fanart!

Grab it at the usual place:


PW: TheGreatestBrownFoxOfAllTime

Download: Sana_-_Guide_-_2023-10-03_-_rev2.pdf

The guide was made by a fan named "Innocent Lili".

You can mark checkboxes to make sure you've seen all scenes. It does a better job than I do with the gallery...

If you found it useful please drop Lili a like somewhere! Credits and stuff are all in the guide.

I also want to talk about some other things!

Regarding RPGMaker, I want to become good enough to make everything myself: tilesets, sounds etc. But I don't have the skills yet, so most of the game is made with default graphics.

Some areas of the game don't look good so I went shopping!

I bought a lot of assets from various artists now. And I really mean a lot!

They're beautiful and fit together really well.

With this, from now on my maps should look a lot better!

I might even go back and completely re-do the orc forest. I think it looks very bland right now.

Where is the update?

We're still working on it!! There's a lot to work on and the month is almost over. I'm not sure we can finish it up in that short time. Please don't be mad at us if we need more time than that.

I think it will be worth the wait though. You should see what my artist did with Bnui. I can barely keep my focus while doing her scenes!

Question regarding the endings!

As mentioned, we're going to have multiple endings that depend on how much you neglected Sana.

I've been wondering if you want to have an unlock button for all endings after beating the game?

So you're getting a bad ending and then you can just unlock and view all the others in the gallery without having to replay the game.

I personally don't like that idea, some people enjoy vanilla playthroughs and they should be rewarded with a good ending.

Please let me know your opinion about this!




As someone who usually does max 2 runs of a game unless there's multiple characters (or a 3rd true route) may I suggest something along the lines of: - If player ends run on 1-50 corruption (out of 100 for this example) it unlocks the "Vanilla/Good" endings - If player ends on 51+ corruption it unlocks "Bad" endings - Any ending (if any) not dependant on corruption can be unlocked after achieveing any other ending once


Endings not related to corruption would be something like: Find a secret item and use it on the boss. Or use a certain combination of magic spells on the boss. Unlocking those without having to find the secret doesn't feel right to me either! What about unlocking corruption related endings and giving hints to ones that need to be found?

Luster Candy

Yeah I think hints would be better, like in the library. And if people still have problems finding them, that's why it's good to have a community as they will help each other figure it out. As for me I think the only endings that should be unlocked after getting an ending would be ones that are somewhat similar to the ending you got, but thats just my 2 cents.