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BOOTH https://sukesuke.booth.pm/items/4285462 FANZA同人 https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_247360/?dmmref=ListRanking&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=1 自身の作品において、過去最大のボリュームとなりました。 是非、ご覧頂けたらと思います。宜しくお願いします。<(_ _)> _______________________________ ありえたかもしれないもう一つの未来…これは己の野望を叶える為、性接待を行う女帝の物語。 その女帝は戦争を仕掛けた張本人。開戦して間もなくその女帝の師が消息不明となる。 想定外の事態となった女帝は戦い以外の方法で活路を開こうとする。 それは己の身体で男達の性接待を行う事だった。 基本CG30枚(差分、コマ割り有)、本編300枚。台詞無し167枚。合計467枚。





買ってください! めちゃ頑張ったから!


It's an incredible work! So many dirty poses and erotic situations! I really liked the costumes too ^^. The story went as I thought. The Emperor becomes a perverted woman, but at the end still wants the teacher. Are they male or female in this story? You mentioned that they will appear in a sequel to the work. I predict that the Emperor will involve her friends in her naughty affairs. It's hard to choose, but the scene where Edel is making obscene facial expressions from the long spear is my favorite!


作品完成おめでとうございます!DLsiteを待ってます、買うのが楽しみです (*´∀`*)

ありがとうございます。 明日か明後日頃には販売開始すると思いますので、宜しくお願いします(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

Thank you. I love all the clothes too. She is happy to let her do her nasty positions. the teacher is a man After this, I will draw a Gaiden. After that, I would like to draw a different work. So, I think it will be a while before I draw the continuation of this work. Please wait patiently. That's one of my favorite scenes.


All the scenes were very good. Which one is your favorite? Yes, it will be a long while before part 2. It's a little sad as I was always looking forward to updates for this doujinshi. But now it's released! I hope you get plenty of sales for your hard work.