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Sometimes when you work without inspiration, it will be hard to create a original character...type A or type B which one you like? Or do you have more suggestion about this character? 當靈感用盡的時候,創作起來就很卡,A或B 你們喜歡哪一個呢? インスピレーションなしで作業すると、オリジナルのキャラクターを作成するのが難しい場合があります...タイプAまたはタイプBのどちらが好きですか? それとも、このキャラクターについてもっと提案がありますか?



Shifty Imp

Difficult to say, but I think I'd go with A here. ^^ I'd maybe try to add something like a knee long skirt that's attached at the sides and leaves the front open. Would look a bit more chaste and fitting for a nun, while still leaving a spot for the crotch area to peek out. ^^



Shifty Imp

Yeah, really like that new version of A! Like this the difference with the corrupted form is also a bit bigger. ^^