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Since Fanbox does not allow many categories, including loli. I will still be using fanbox to receive payment. But I will have to use other method to post the fanbox content, I will be talking about this on the discord server.

[DeepL] Fanboxはロリを含む多くのカテゴリーを許可していないため。私はまだfanboxを使用して支払いを受け取るつもりです。しかし、fanboxのコンテンツを投稿するには他の方法を使わなければならないので、これについてはdiscordサーバーで話す予定です。


thanks again for all of your support



Yeah Pixiv is shitting itself right now, I'll still support you here as long as you don't get banned. Will you be using other methods for requests in the future because of the guidelines?


I would be cool with giving you the money directly, but hopefully things work out though and you don't have to archive your work.