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I'm open to receive commissions, Pixiv doesn't allow AI commissions, so commissions are done through another page, and then they will be published on pixiv in the same way as the rest of the productions I have made.

When you want to ask for a commission, first talk to me in the comment section, if I can do what you ask, then I will tell you that I accept your request and you can pay the commission, to pay you must go to my Ko-fi page and pay 10$.

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When you make the payment, write your pixiv username in the message, so I will know that it is you who made the payment, and then I will proceed to start with the commission.

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Things to know:

1- The commission contains 10 images.

2- I can't make complicated poses, the best looking ones are (standing, skirt flipping, sitting, and lying on the ground/bed).

3- The commission will take a few days, less than 1 week. I have to produce good images (1-3 days) and then edit all of them to improve the quality (1-2 days).

4- I can make a commission of a character if I have already done something with that character, for example Yaia from Granblue Fantasy, or Iruru from Kobayashi. But keep in mind that a character will not match well with certain descriptions, so if the description is something that modifies the character too much, it may affect the fidelity of the character, for example adding huge breasts or futanari to a character that is the opposite (Flat chest or female).

5- I can generate the girls with simple clothes, naked, or their original attire if it is a character.

6- If you are not supporting me in fanbox, the commission increases in price to $15 instead of $10.

7- No refunds will be made unless there is a mistake on the part of the user when paying (paying $100 instead of $10).

8- You can ask me to write "Requested by" your username or to write (anonymous user) by default.




i have a question about the asking/talking to you about a commission in the comments, only under this or any post from you?


It's better if you comment here, I would like to open a chat on other platform, but I would like to make it on a way people doesn't need to make accounts to comment. Until then, this is the best place to talk.


cute gif sorry for the replay i cant resist the cuteness of a neko ^^


I don't mind if you answer ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ Even if the Neko is a futanari just like today?


even im not the person who likes futanari art but its still a neko so yes i find it cute ^^


I try to alternate normal genitalia with futanari, and today it was futanari so it came out like this, although I almost always forget to add heterochromia to cat girls, I always remember after posting the image XD.


heterochromia means two different eye colors right? if yes i find it even more cute when nekos have two different eye colors ^^


Yes, it means to have each eye of a different color, I've just realized that I've only added heterochromia to futanari nekos, but I forgot about every regular neko XD, this is one example of heterochromia https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109298250


ah ok like i said way more cuter with two different eye colors ^^


i mean generally are nekos cute but with different eye colors they have more cuteness ^^


Hello GFantasyLife, someone has been importing your pixiv to a piracy website, you should take measures to prevent it


So... Cinnamon best neko? By the way I've been warned about my pixiv being imported to a piracy page, so all the big packs have been removed until I find a way to avoid the tool they use.


thats sad to read that you must remove all the big packs i hope you find someday a way to avoid it ^^ and about cinnamon i mean she is cute but when she gets excited about something that kinda destroys her cuteness when she screams she gets moist so i would go with vanilla or chocola or coconut ^^ but if you like her i respect that ^^


I think I know how, at least as a temporal thing. Coconut has heterochromia too. About cinnamon, yes, she's a lewd neko, and that's what I love about her 😆: https://pm1.narvii.com/5988/f9f79cfcb6642beebd894ea811d95b0121c210dc_hq.jpg


thats true that cinnamon is a lewd neko and cute picture about her ^^ and coconut is really cute with the two different eye colors so probably i would go more with her than with chocola and vanilla xD


sorry that i asked about it if you saw it i just was worried that your account gets deleted since i really like your art ^^


No, I don't care, it's going to be public, I will send a link to every supporter to download the picture related to every new pack. The picture will be stored on other platform, so as soon as I notice someone uploading the new password, the link to download the password will be removed of the server. So if anyone tries to use the link, the link will be "dead", it's better than remove every pack. I understand there's people who doesn't want to pay to see the premium version, that's why I always upload a free version with a slightly lower quality than the SD version and a preview of each pack, but without any benefit I would be using more than 6H each day (not counting the packs, which require at least 3 full days creating and editing) for nothing, plus editing 4 images, the HD, the SD, the free one, and the one that makes the "cover" in each publication, and this is not only wasting my time, it also damages my PC and increases my electricity bill.


So even though I like to do this I can't continue it if nobody supports me (because it costs me money to do this). And by converting the yen to my currency, it's less than half what I get, plus pixiv's commission, so what I get covers what it costs me to generate new images without losing money, otherwise I would increase my electric bill by 25% every month, and my effort to offer polls for supporters would be in vain (because people who pirate it can also vote without being a supporter). Imagine supporting something so that it goes the way you want it to go, and someone who doesn't support it gets it to go the way he wants it to go (talking about the polls), it's not fair. Sorry for the long explanation of why I am going to take action.


holy thats sounds really bad i never knew that it gives persons who pirate the pictures and upload them on there own account and says it there work... that person who do it should be in jail... i mean what im going say now wouldnt fix it but i keep supporting you no matter what is it ^^


Thank you. Someone leaking premium content is not such a big deal as to make someone go to jail. But it is very annoying if they not only leak it, but also do it with a tool to copy everything.


i must say its sad to see how peoples must steal other peoples work (where they probably used alot of time for it) and says that they made it and its not even true


i mean with it that people steal from someoneelse (example you) there content and upload the stolen content on there account and says they made it. sorry if i confused you


Oh I thought you meant the AI art, being so mixed with thousands of artists, using a tool to generate a unique result through AI, using tools to modify how the drawing comes out of which some are your own, and finally editing it by changing the color and lighting, and polishing it as much as you can to make it look better, I don't think it can be considered "stealing" as others say. Unless you use a file trained only with a person's data, that is plagiarism and don't see how many people do it, you can tell because everything that person does looks exactly like what the original artist does. Or also using tools without the owner's consent, AI tools are also licensed, and although many are free, others have rules. In my case I do everything myself, or I use free tools (and I never use data from specific people).


Things done by AI are a generation leap, as it happened from hand made things to drawing tablets using programs, and from that to 3D tools, each generation had its own thing, like what I said before about plagiarizing, by hand it is done by tracing on a paper, in digital it is done with transparency or a tool (digital drawing uses more AI than people think, like smoothing the strokes or adjusting the color automatically), and as it happened with 3D by copying the information from the file bin to the program, with AI people do it either by copying the prompt (which is not a good idea because any change in the configuration will make everything different), with a tool called impaint, or with the ent databases (which is not a good idea because any change in the configuration will make everything different), with a specific tool, or with the data trained from one person, and all of them are very notorious, as always has been, you can tell something is traced if you know the OG artist


Yes, by "a tool to copy everything" I mean they make a copy of the data of the platform. Just like when you copy the text from a file to other file, just that these people has done this with my pixiv profile, so they can see my posts and interact with them, to get an idea of what I say, press control + p, it's like that, but removing pixiv's UI and replaced by their UI. You thought it was to copy the drawings and post them as their own (I'm sure someone on deviantart already made such a thing, It's been like that since I met the page).


yeah i thought that with the drawings and not with the site/plattform


anyways i wanted to ask you a few question first question: which plattform you mean where you gonna upload the non hd pictures (if i didnt got it wrong again xD)? second question: where must i private message you for the password? third question: do you know this games? azur lane, blue archive, touhou lostword, kemono friends kingdom.


Yes, you are confused, the SD versions are the ones I have used as a cover so far, before you do the process, those I will put to download in each publication as an extra, the HD versions are the same as before, the good version of the image with the cover, only now they are password protected to prevent pirates from unzipping them. Read the post again, I have added a new part to explain it. I know the first 2, of the last 2 I know the work but I didn't know about the existence of those games, although I have never played or seen the series of the games you mentioned.


ah the sd versions are the pictures you used as the cover for it and about the games azur lane has 2 series about it but the other 3 games sadly dont have a series ^^


the last time when i took a look on google it didnt had a anime but maybe now


and how can i add a picture in the private message? i never did it so thats why i ask ^^


weird i dont see it i just see the text box and a button it says ''confirm content'' nothing else i cant even scroll down


https://ibb.co/Y3TPkkZ this is how it looks like for me if the link works


wait im dumb i just could upload it on the site and send you the link with it xD


but what is when i put it on a private album that only i can see? but i can just send you a message first ^^