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Reward delay information


hello. I am very sorry to have to tell you something disappointing.

It would be difficult to maintain the 4 sets of total rewards typically offered this time. Without any special circumstances or excuses, the main reason is my poor time management.

I 'm currently working on the 3rd reward (Arona) for September as quickly as possible. It will take three to four days from now until completion.

After that, there will be no time to seriously work on the remaining 4th reward in September, so it will be done in a simple drawing format.

The 4th reward in September will proceed as above. This is an OC commission I did a long time ago.

Likewise, voting for the scheduled 4th reward was also cancelled.

The main character is Renkawa Cherino from Blue Archive.

I apologize again.




No problem!


Take all the time you need, your art is always worth waiting for! Looking forward to Arona and Cherino!❤️


It ok mate


Nothing to apologize for! You already work so hard and do so much to provide us with so much great art. Don't push yourself!