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Hello everyone, this is villainchin.

I regret to inform you of this unfortunate news, and I am really sorry. Could you give me two more days for the upload of FireFly, which was originally scheduled for Friday ?

The reason is that I caught a cold last weekend and couldn't work at all. To achieve a better completion, I need to use an extra day.

However, I have a very important commitment on Saturday (it's related to financial matters!), so I need to handle that first. Therefore, I plan to finish and upload the work on Sunday.

I apologize for the continued delays. I really want to apply the planned effects to the final scene.

Just wait a bit more! I will bring you a cute FireFly. Yes! Have a happy day, everyone!

OH! Be careful not to catch a cold! The night is still cold..!


Everyone, I'm really sorry

The Saturday commitment I mentioned earlier did not go as planned, so the upload scheduled for Sunday will be delayed by about a day.

The discussions and investigation didn't progress as smoothly as I hoped, and the number of places and people I had to visit increased, taking up more time than expected.

I just got home a few hours ago. It seems I will need more time than anticipated. I will try my best to upload it by tomorrow.

As a small compensation, I will increase the content of the next upload, Ibuki, and will provide an updated announcement on this. I apologize for letting my personal matters interfere with my Fanbox activities.

Please bear with me a little longer.



Body is the most important, I am willing to wait for better works, I hope you are healthy❤️~


It’s totally ok if the delay will make Firefly’s work more awesome!!


I'm really sorry, 道中の五金草. In fact, it would be easier to finish if the direction in the last scene was a little simpler. There is a scene I really want to draw! Be sure to enjoy the last page of FIreFly. I will draw it hard. Thank you for understanding. I'll draw it better so it's not a waste of time. huh! Have a happy day, 道中の五金草!!!!!!!


My body is really healthy these days! However, as the weather got warmer, I left the window wide open when I slept. I let my guard down in the cold morning. We will bring you even better pictures as you wait. huh! In particular, I am giving strength to the last production. You'll definitely love it! I will draw it more beautifully. Thank you for your understanding. I will definitely draw a picture that will satisfy you! Yes!! have a good day!! 白猫!!!!!!!


oops,take care of yourself dude!!


Take your time for baby girl she deserves your best!


Deadlines are made to be broken! Take care of yourself, we will patiently wait.


(First time commenting) Dude, your art's quality has been one of the best I've seen. Don't fret over it too much!


OH! Thank you for always waiting xx!! My cold is gone now and I'm fine!! I will make sure to resolve the related issue on Saturday and bring it to you by Sunday. Sorry for the delay, it won't affect the IBukibupload. I'll make sure to draw it well and bring it back. Thank you for the comment!!


oh! JACK!! Thank you for waiting!! I'll settle the matter on Saturday and get it back to you on Sunday. I'm sorry for being late by 2 days. It will be a picture that will definitely satisfy you. Thanks COMMENT Have a nice day!!


DAmnnnnnnnnnn!!! God! I really didn't want to Broke deadline. This happened because I scheduled it the day after the due date. I'm sorry. Hostaill. I haven't forgotten how much you liked me. I will draw with more care as you wait. Yes!! Thank you. Have a nice day!! .


oh!!! It's your first comment!!! Thank you so much for caring about me!! I don't take it for granted, and if I can, I will definitely improve the quality and increase the volume even a little. Thanks for waiting. Have a nice day! sss!!!!!!!!!

villainchin 건강이 안좋았으니 남들보다 오래걸리고 회복도 더딘걸 모두 이해할거라고 생각합니다. 적어도 저는 이해해요. 건강 안좋은 사람은 사소한 병도 더 아프고 오래가니깐요. 따뜻한 물을 자주 마셔 수분 보충을 하고 보란듯이 작품을 완성시켜버리세요!! VillainChin's health has always been poor, so I think everyone understands that it took him longer and his recovery was slower than others. At least I understand. For people with poor health, even minor illnesses become more painful and last longer. Drink warm water often to replenish moisture and complete your work proudly!!


Don’t worry I’m always here waiting XD


It can't be helped that things don't go as planned! Don't push yourself too hard


Thank you so much for saying that, 뷁. I was able to solve all the tasks I needed to solve over the weekend! I want to get healthier and continue drawing! I won't stop exercising. As compensation for the late upload, we have decided to increase Ibuki's content by 30%. I will work hard to bring you a satisfactory picture. Thank you 뷁! Have a happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry LUCAS! Thanks for waiting, FireFly has now been completed and uploaded! To apologize for the delay I will increase the amount of IBuki by 30%. I hope this is good news for you. Thanks for the happy comment Lucas! Always be healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!