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It's been a while since I greeted you.!!!

glad to see you Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

first, I apologize for the delay, which took longer than expected.

After a month of rehabilitation, I can have finally returned.

This time, I thoroughly confirmed with the doctor about the possibility of resuming work.

Thanks to all of you, I had precious time to recover my physical condition. Let me briefly share my current status and progress with you

When I posted the notice for a month of rest a month ago,

I received a diagnosis of recurring inflammation in the nerves that were operated on. This was due to not undergoing proper rehabilitation activities after the surgery and continuing with drawing work. Concerned that the condition would significantly worsen, my doctor recommended a two-month hiatus from work

Fortunately, the silver lining in all of this is that, by completely halting all work and dedicating myself solely to the treatment, I received approval to gradually resume work just shy of a month later! I was genuinely anxious about what two months of complete stoppage might entail, so it's truly a relief.

Starting from last week, I've been able to slowly get back into my drawing routine! While there will be periodic hospital visits due to ongoing recovery, the most important thing is being able to drawing again

(And getting the injections is so expensive!! It cost more than ten pineapple pizzas for each shot... no.......)

I apologize for the delayed treatment, which exceeded expectations. If I had managed myself better right after the surgery, perhaps such issues wouldn't have arisen.

It was my own neglect for proper post-surgery care, driven by the desire not to take a break, that ultimately led to undesirable outcomes. It's entirely my responsibility And thank you for waiting for me.

Originally, the plan was to resume the upload schedule in January while simultaneously undergoing rehabilitation and work. However, due to the mentioned issues, I dedicated January solely to recovery.

Fortunately, I was able to start working earlier than anticipated, and I've also been able to set up the upload schedule for February!

Here is the upload schedule for February

(Oh! Of course, all February uploads are free to use. )


Nahida, who you've been patiently waiting for, is finally making a comeback. During the break, numerous ideas crossed my mind, resulting in a increased amount of volume for Nahida.

- Oh Don't worry! I won't strain my wrists at all! -

It might be similar to La Pluma's volume from the last time.

Verrry many!!!!!!

I apologize for delay. The work is currently in progress, and I'll make sure to present it beautifully when it's completed

( Even as I was drawing, I really wanted to show it to you. It's turning out incredibly beautiful. Thank you for waiting! )

Also, on the 18th, there will be another upload. It's the one I really wanted to draw -

Starrail's HuoHuo!

HuoHuo is planned to be a little hard and hot!!

It might be on the same level as Lynx from last time!

While it might not suit everyone's taste, I hope you give it a look from time to time, as there's a certain enjoyment in exploring different styles!

And just uploading the delayed content and casually using the term 'Free Day' feels too shameless!

So On February 1st, after a long time, we'll be hosting a voting event!

However, since this month is all about free content, it won't be the usual format of receiving characters through donations. Instead, I've gathered characters that low vote in our previous voting events,

like a 'Consolation Match'!

I'll conduct the voting tomorrow through an announcement. Please Wating next announcement.


Thus concludes the Get back announcement.

I sincerely apologize for the unexpectedly extended treatment period. However, now I'm not just resuming work thinking everything is fine, but rather, I'm working under the approval of my medical professional, so it should be okay. I've learned the importance of heeding the advice of experts.

Oh! and this is just a personal anecdote,

Having more free time outside of drawing was initially a bit unsettling, but surprisingly, it allowed me to enjoy other artworks, go on a river trip with my father, and spend precious moments walking around.

Despite posting a rest notice, I am truly grateful for the additional support from those who generously contributed. For someone like me, who knows nothing but drawing, the past month has been quite challenging without proper use of my hands. Thanks to all of you who waited, I could overcome it. I am a happy person.

Thank you for creating a place for me. I will do my best in the year. Please continue to support me.

See you in the next announcement! Have a happy day!

And Happy 2024. Above all, I wish you good health. Being healthy is the most important thing!! Really!



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