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Hello, everyone! Nice to see you. It's a joyful September.

On behalf of Onre, I have a somewhat serious announcement to make. I'll skip the usual greetings for now!

First of all, I want to apologize. I'm sorry.

The monthly uploads, which used to be delayed under the excuse of “quality,” have now been reduced to twice a month. And even the JIngLiu work for this month was delayed, so those who supported me until August couldn't even see it.

(I found out that JIngLiu would become inaccessible once September 1st in JST had passed, so I changed it to a public release for everyone in a hurry)

Although my fanbox is not a reward-based system, it felt like a viewing system where you could see all my past work. I realized that this upload format could be disappointing for those who have been consistently supporting me.

This issue is entirely my fault. I had the desire to draw better because I felt encouraged by your responses, and I thought that putting in more time would improve the quality. So, I became more ambitious.

I thought that if my work became more good, it would naturally be better, so I continued without any separate announcements, even if the deadline was extended. But looking back, I was just being greedy, and I'm truly sorry.

Of course, some people enjoyed the fact that the drawing was becoming more good, but even so, I was taking delays and deadlines too lightly in a situation where valuable money was involved.

I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or disappointed because of my greed. Therefore, I will clearly announce the improvements starting this month to prevent such incidents from happening.

1. I will use Japan Standard Time (JST) as the reference for all times I mention in Fanbox. Even if I upload on time, there have been cases where it is considered late in Japan. I've also changed my computer system time.

2. At the beginning of each month, I will definitely announce an upload roadmap. I want to prevent situations like this where you might miss out on my artwork because you're waiting for it without knowing when it will be uploaded.

3. If there ever arises a situation where I can't keep a promise, I will announce it on the same day the issue occurs. (Of course, I know that such a situation shouldn't happen. I will manage myself rigorously.)

Most importantly, I will never again delay a deadline in the name of improving quality. I will stick to schedules that I can manage.

4. I apologize for conveying all of this through text.

And finally, thank you for letting me know about the inconveniences first. I feel indebted every time. REALly RRERERE REALLy Thank you!

This is a long message!

I tried to address the parts where I went wrong more clearly and seriously. I'm sorry if the topic was heavy! I'll need to put in more effort to ensure that such incidents don't happen again.

My English skills are bad, so I rely heavily on translation tools. I hope this message is delivered accurately. Thanks for reading.

Have a happy September!!

Ah! To summarize for people who don't speak English like me


It's my fault that the upload cycle is late these days! Really sorry!!!

I will improve it with a monthly plan.

Jing LIu If you haven't seen it, go see it!

2023/8/30 JingLiu of Starrail!!!!!!!!! Vote event!!!

HEHEHEHEHEHE HELLHOEHEH HELLO HEHEHHEHE HELLO!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRR!!!! Wow! Today work is JInh LIu of Starrail!!! Finally completed!!!!! Thanks for waiting!!!!! God.. Big is also good..!!!! It was fun to draw! I was able to complete this Jing Liu of Honkai St...

P.S. Some have asked about locking previous artwork like in a monthly reward system, but I'll think about it more when there's more artwork. As you know, I prefer the feeling of being able to view it comfortably when you support me. You might think the person who supports first is at a bit of a disadvantage, but don't we all enjoy having more to eat? YEah! Thank you!!




You are amazing and your work is always beautiful and the translator is very good! 👍


Then, What's your mother-tongue?


Take care! Your drawings are amazing! Hope you can keep like this!


You are so kind, thank you for your concern!! I will continue to support you as long as i have money to do it. English is not my native language too and i can fully understand, so no worries


Pursuing quality is a good thing, it's not your fault. You just need to know your abilities. If you think you can only draw one set of charts this month, then you just need to tell us that there is only one set of charts this month, and we can all accept it. The thing I don't like is that you promised to do something but didn't do it, but it's obvious that you're not like that. Thank you for your continuous work, and I will continue to support you in the future.


Oh! Translators are the best! I'm glad it went well... Thanks for reading the long post. have a good day!!


oh! It doesn't matter if I tell you.. But I want to get used to English, sorry!! I'll keep it a secret!! More than anything.. I wanted to try this secret feeling because it was so cool..


Oh! Guwen! thank you for saying it like that In this thought Other people's personal messages and your opinions were very helpful. In this next post, I announced this month's roadmap. Please watch it, I will protect it unconditionally this time. Oh, and I think the pineapple pizza idea was really good! Other people seem to like it too! Thanks for your comment!


Thank you! I get a lot of strength from you, including your frequent comments! I will never make a mistake on this roadmap. Promise


Thank you for liking it!!! I can't believe there are so many people looking at my work. I am such a happy guy. Always Thank you. Star!


ah! Don’t forget to look at this Jing LIu draw! I really had fun drawing it!! I really hope you see it!