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I don't remember how the idea formed, but in conversation with Trevegore I mentioned the possibility of an interactive story featuring Maya, roughly based on his own Maya story (thank you for that!).

35 hours later, I had a choose-your-own-adventure story: A Single Round of 5.56, version 1.0. It had about 25 minutes of "gameplay" if you went for all 6 endings (3 good, 3 bad), and was the closest I had come to making guro since my hiatus. While nothing worse than you'd read in a relatively mature novel, some of the endings are very bloody, though I'm sure I don't need to give content warnings to any of you guys.

After that, I went back in and spent another couple days revising and improving the passages, which leads me to what I have now in version 1.1, which you can download and play on any device for free (click the download button above).

There are no pictures yet, but one way or another I'd like to add one or more pictures to every passage as I add content and lead into chapter 1. This will likely be a continuous process given how many pictures are necessary, and especially given that I consider this part of the story to be the prologue.

Also, this is a Twine story, meaning that you can download Twine and import the html file to poke around at the story and see how everything works. If you think the idea of branching stories is pretty cool and/or want to try it yourself, feel free to give it a look.

Let me know what you think, and which scenes you'd like to get illustrated first!




A poe cyoa story with guro and snuff? That has planned updates with art? I think I'm dead and have arrived in heaven. This was so good and I am excited for more no matter how long it takes to update