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  • 2022-12-5 mo2-2.mp4



2022-12-5 mo2-2

If you're an artist watching timelapses to get a feel for the process, go frame by frame when things change rapidly. There are a few key points you can pick up:

1. At around 2 seconds, you can see my Designdoll reference. Note where I stick to it, and where I deviate from it. If you're newer, make sure you have other anatomy references at your disposal as well.

2. Between 2 and 8 seconds, I make two rough drafts before I start lining.

3. At 10-11 seconds, I don't line the hair at all; instead, I lay in the forms and colors first to make sure it looks chunky enough, and outline them afterward.

4. At and a little before 20 seconds, I try to wing the hair without really thinking about it. This leads to redoing the hair. Learn from my mistake and have a technique in mind that you know looks good.

5. At 28-29 seconds, I pull in an actual gym photo from Google and roughly paint over it, then blur it. Just blurring a stock photo will rarely match the style of the picture, and it feels wrong. Better to put your own hand into it in some way or another.

What you can't see is many fudged attempts at shading her knees and shoulder. I actually ended up leaving the shoulder in a spot I didn't like because I honestly wasn't sure how to make it better. As for her knees, it was mostly a matter of letting my brushes be too soft too quickly. I ended up pushing and pulling with a combination of wet brushes, the blur tool, a standard hard-round, and the airbrush until it looked abour right. I'm sure there's a much quicker way to make it work, and that's something I'll be working on next time.



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