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  • 2022-4-28 study.mp4
  • 2022-4-28 bweb cheer.mp4



One of the best eye-training exercises is to draw a picture from a reference, then overlay your picture over the reference to see how close you got, pulling it back off, making corrections, and repeating until you get as close as you can. This works best when studying poses and proportions, which I was in my study this time:

2022-4-28 study

I traced nothing during that exercise, in contrast to the picture I did later that day:

In the cheerleader picture, I traced a model I'd adjusted to the character's proportions.

2022-4-28 bweb cheer

Compared to the first picture, I learn very little about the pose and proportions from this process, but in return, I get to focus on detailing and refining, and I can finish that whole process in about half the time it took to complete the study.

Speed is good, and necessary given how many hobbies I have outside of drawing. But for the month of May, I'd like to focus more on learning and studying. I have a lot of weak points in art that I'd like to improve upon, particularly hands, and perhaps moreover, multiple characters interacting.



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