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Dropped the project a few months ago for a few reasons, but I'm not opposed to giving it another shot someday, likely after the comic is up and running. What would the ideal dancer animation look like to you?




Lovely work! Ideal dancer animation for me would either be her struggling on the noose or her little feet squirming as she is beheaded ( ˊ ω ˋ )


I really like when the victims have their arms and legs tightly tied up and you can really see how their freshly decapitated bodies squirm and go taut against the bindings that hold them prisoner


Three dancer dancing suggestively for her king then gets kicked into the monster hole to be raped and eaten.


Dance to impress the crowd to let them survive, but this crowd is not that easily satisfied, they want to see the swords dance...


Like that scene in Return of the Jedi, but with more rape! I liked that one.


I just saw something like that recently, animated by somebody with good taste. It's a good idea.


A bit of light bondage never hurt anyone, especially when they're not around to feel pain anymore.


No matter what, there'll be struggling and squirming, you can count on that.


I'd like the idea of an elimination match, the ones with the worst ratings get executed one at a time while the others are forced to keep going to survive. Or maybe the ones with the best ratings compete to get snuffed first, who knows?