AK-15's abs (Pixiv Fanbox)
2022-01-10 19:58:30
Long time no see my supporters and I'm sorry I'm late. I haven't been able to deliver my news for a long time. My work ended in mid-to-late December, and I took a break after that.
Um... I was going to say a lot of things, but I kept on erasing it and writing it. I have to go to work soon. (4:50am). I have to hurry up and post and sleep, but it's been 30 minutes since I wrote and erased it.
Anyway, thank you for waiting for a long time. First, request... I wish I could draw the rest of the remaining requests and finish the ideas I had in mind.
I'll recharge my perversion and draw a lot of horny funny things.
**I'm sorry if the sentence is rough. I used Google Translator in hurry. ** (I mean post, not drawings)
오랜만입니다. 그리고 늦어서 죄송합니다. 오래동안 소식이 없었는데요.. 일은 12월 중후반에 끝났고요, 그 후로 좀 쉬었다가 왔습니다..
음.. 이것저것 쓰려고 하다가 계속 지우고쓰고 해서.. 좀있으면 또 출근해야해가지고요.. 빨리 포스팅하고 자야하는데 쓰고지우기만 30분째라..
아무튼 오래 기다려주셔서 감사합니다. 일단 리퀘.. 많이 묵혀져있는 리퀘 마저 그리고요, 짬짬이 생각해서 메모해놨던 것들 호로록 그릴 수 있으면 좋겠습니다.
다시 변태력 충전해서 야한거 많이 그리겠습니다