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As you guys might have noticed. I had to delete all my pixiv posts as it was requested by fanbox. They said that game screenshots aren't allowed (Despite having full of them)

I would be needing to change all of my screenshot here to blender rendered images or I suspect my fanbox won't last long.

Fanbox seems awefully strict just to me so I would suggest if you guys still want to support me is to move to fantia instead.


It's a japanese website but you can use google chrome to translate the page.

I know they don't use paypal, so you can use patreon instead. I've put the free codes available for use.

Continious support;


Genshin mods;


I've also made it a bit cheaper since I preffer patreon payment than fantia and I can easily access the funds when I need them

Here's a tutorial on how to use the free tickets;


I know it might be a bit of a hassle. And fanbox might not suspend my account at all but this is what exactly happened to snaccubus before his whole account got nuked.

Best case scenario, nothing happens and we can continue our activity here as usual.

And if in case the worse case scenario does happens, you guys can contact me as I do have records of everyone in my email so I'll be giving you the free tickets on fantia via private message.

I do appologise that you'd have to bear with problems like this with me. Being someone who makes nsfw of short characters, it really isn't easy as I know there will be a bunch of people that would always want to take me down. So I do hope that you'd still continue to support me even if I do switch platforms.

Thank you again for all your support and I'll continue to make great contents!





This is a difficult time. . . .


Yes. But as a maker of short nsfw characters. I know it's only a matter of time.


well,I subscribed to you on Patrion before, should I be sponsoring you now?


So do you know where snaccubus went? xD


Agreed, this is some B***Sh**, Like pixiv whole entire thing is loli's in all honesty not sure whats going on there


It's up to you. Best case scenario, nothing happens. I suggest doing it if Fanbox really do suspend my account. But thank you for your continuous support!


He's still around but he lost all motivation on modding. He's got it harder because he couldn't get the money and couldn't get his first payout. The money wasn't refunded to his subscribers and fanbox just withheld it.


I subscribed to you on Patrion first, and then came to fanbox for the short nsfw characters. I hope nothing happens and I can just sponsor on this platform because it's difficult to pay without paypal in my country.


Yea, I sure do hope nothing happens. I prefer fanbox too because it's easy to manage. And easy to access funds. plus I can show some sort of previews to those who haven't subscribed yet.


Thanks for the update i know its been quite hectic lately. Love your work & take care it'll get better.


Damm thats some bullshit, I am one of those subscribers His account isn't deleted yet, I don't think at least it might be I had you and him pinned on my fav Bar


Ooo, I will sponsor your 5000 yen rating on Patrion. I hope I don't have to trouble you then, hhh