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pixivFANBOX お知らせ> https://official.fanbox.cc/posts/6292096

A new pixivFANBOX notice has been spotted.

In response to this, I'm compiling what I need to inform our patrons and posting it.

My current activities are solely based on Live2D, which is different from the initial era.

This is a gradual change out of my desire for our patrons to be more delighted, which has been slowly implemented even before the announcement from pixivFANBOX.

Consequently, I believe the recent announcement is unrelated to me and will not affect my future direction of activities.

(Although there is a possibility that I may use 3D in the future, it's a field I have always been interested in. The ability of Antifreeze3_ and Custom_Udon to use 3D is amazing. And freedom from constraints of directing has always been a dream.)

However, it seems that I will receive a deletion notice for the AI-related works that were posted in the past. For the preservation of those who wish, I plan to delete them not immediately, but on July 20th.

In addition, I will attach a link at the bottom of the article for those who have not yet read the announcement.

Thank you for enjoying my animating work.

I always appreciate your hopes for the continuation of this activity.

I will strive for more satisfying results. I wish you all happiness at all times.

pixivFANBOX announcement > https://official.fanbox.cc/posts/6292096



According to an email from the Pixiv management, things like Fanbox banners and user icons must also be excluded from AI. These will be changed to simple icon forms, this information is provided in advance to avoid any confusion!


Pixiv運営側のメールによりますと、FanboxバナーやユーザーアイコンなどもAIは除外すべきだそうです。 簡単なアイコンの形に変更される予定です。 混同がないように前もって申し上げます!