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First off, let me tell you all (again) how awesome you are and how much I love you, and I mean that wholeheartedly. You'll never really know just how much your support means to me and how much it keeps me going.

If I ever meet any of you face to face, I'll likely kiss you on the lips.

Now on to business!

So the 3-model per week thing is starting to become untenable, as in, it's getting difficult to do my RL job along with this one, so I'm going to trim my weekly releases down to two (2) model releases per week.

I actually don't expect much gripe from any of you about this, seeing as I hold the title for most autistic & prolific creator in the VAM world, but I still wanted to give you all a headsup. The truth is, whenever I see a new subscriber join up, I actually feel bad for them and all the stuff they have to download. Last I checked, these model & scene folders were getting crazy big.

Anyways, starting in September, I'm going to skip the Monday releases and just do Tuesday thru Friday.

I'm sure I'll toss out random stuff here & there, but in the end it will give me a break so I can not get fired from my day job, and it'll give you all a break as well.

Once again, I love all of you.





Love you too HB!