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Greetings and salutations; Lord Providence here!

I do hope this post finds you all in the best of spirits. I must apologize for my absence since the start of 2024. My family and I underwent a tragic loss of a close family member. It has been difficult to accept their passing and even more so seeing close relatives fall into dispair, myself included. Adding to the fact that my Pixiv account was also suspended sometime after. Regardless, I will continue to do what I can to ensure my kingdom remains strong and well-fed for all the content you are all here to see.

Due to the abovementioned events, I was not able to put together a Road Map of what is to come for this New Year but please know that this year will see more animations and plenty of steamy images for your viewing pleasure.

With all of that said, please enjoy the images posted below of one of my OCs whom you will see a lot more of with many other characters in the interim:

Jacob The Nordic Lad (OC)

All of him and plenty more to be seen for the forseeable year and onward.

Thank you all for your continued support! It truly means a lot to me!

Spread the word that your Lord and Grace has not yet fallen!

- Lord Providence



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