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Greetings to one and all. Lord Providence here. I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! I know this post comes a bit late but I just wanted to say thank you to all whom have supported me up until now. I really cannot express how appreciative I am to see how many people have reached out to me lately saying how much they like my Artwork.

It truly is my pleasure to bring you all pleasure and Lord over you whom have become some of my most loyal subjects!

Cheers my dudes! The quality and quantity will not stop!!


Please enjoy this 2-Picture image-set of a very plump witch-boy who's magical misdeeds, among regular boys, have earned him a one way ticket to Pumpkin Pound-Town.

He will be thoroughly inseminated before the Cock strikes Twelve...

Twelve Loads that is....🍆 🎃

Link to the imaget-set can be found here:

embed: files.catbox.moe




Poor lucky/doomed witch-boy. I was puzzled by the phallic shape coming out of witch-boy's staff/flying broom until I realized its purpose was to be ridden while soaring! Clever little deet, I must say! Let the punishment begin!