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I hope all of you are tricking and treating with kindness and lots of spooky kinks this year, I know I am.....

Please enjoy this mini-image set of Keith-Daniel really FEELING the spirit of "Halloween"!

"...Keith Daniel Cross awoke to find himself trapped in yet another nightmare. The legend of the Fat Pumpkin Man is well know throughout Keith's Neighborhood but he could have never imagined himself being the fat "Boy-Pussy" pick of this year's Halloween.

He can only imagine how sore his fat ass is about to be, once the Fat Pumpkin Man has thoroughly pounded and planted his "Pumpkin Seed" into him...."

Link to the mini image set can be found here:

embed: files.catbox.moe




Clever name and setup! Tears of joy, I imagine... Love the effects on the second render. Outstanding. Happy Spooky Day!