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Deep beneath Jabba's Palace, there lies a Jedi Youngling. Not nearly as powerful as Luke Skywalker but there is a certain...trait...about him that has kept Jabba himself entertained for many months.

Only one lightsaber is victorious in every engagement of this Youngling's captivity...and THAT lightsaber only glows in the tighest and darkest of orficies....

Uncensored Image link can be found here:

embed: files.catbox.moe





Getting my Jedi Temple Librarian side out. This is Ep IV themed in the title, but Ep VI in the image... koff koff. Can't spank me... I'm a librarian... You put that plastic lightsaber down now... Lord P!! (...remember your training...). And dammmmnnnn. Jabba be jacked!! Let me try Leia's outfit on...