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As we concluded Keith-Daniel's "Final Round" of violent Insemination, Keith-Daniel couldn't help notice that this experience was feeling a little too....REAL.

But surely no one would be horny enough for have cocks THAT BIG to plow Keith-Daniel's unbelieveably TIGHT sphincter in Real Life while he had on his VR Headset.....right?!


The same Demons that were now taking turns fattening up Keith-Daniel's belly were the same Boys who tricked Keith-Daniel to take on this stupid VR Game Challenge in the first place!

They needed to unload their balls into some poor unsuspecting Fat Ass and Keith-Daniel was the fattest dumb-ass they knew in their whole classroom. It was and STILL IS the perfect crime!

Keith-Daniel is now at the mercy of his own HUNG and HORNY classmates as they take turns slapping his fat ass and turning him into a VR -cum-dump!

---->> Uncensored images found in zip file at the end of this post!

The Animation for this Bonus Round will be coming out this month!

So please stay tuned!

Keith-Daniel's VR SEX-perience (Outside The Headset) PREVIEW

The Lord's Sidenote!

Thank you to everyone for your support during this hot and sultry journey of one of many of my OCs.

I really appreciate each and everyone of you, where words in a post cannot truly express the gratitude I feel for having all of you in my Kingdom!

Please do enjoy yourselves as I have so many more OCs and Adventures to show you!



My Honorable Liege! It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve you with the kindness and respect you so richly deserve. You pour yourself into your work like no other. Thank you, Lord Providence. We love you! LONG LIVE THE LORD!! LONG LIVE THE LORD!!