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Greetings and salutations once again my loyal subjects.

I am your Lord and Grace, Providence. I want to take this moment to announce some coming changes beginning next month that will affect how I operate my Kingdom and Fanbox as a whole. But first allow me to tell you all that I am very much enjoying my hiatus! It's been a blast to be able to just sit down and unwind with a barrage of video games and hanging out with my most trusted confidants.

I really needed this break and as you can tell by the thumbnail of this post; I have not been idle creatively speaking.

Two (2) new OCs have graced my Court. One of which is Lord Providence himself. I have made a character that will be the embodiment of my entire raunchiness and degeneracy. When you look upon him, you will think of me. His face and slappable fat ass will be my face and slappable fat ass! The other OC in question will remain a surprise and a short reveal video will go live next month at an unspecified date and time.

These two (2) out of six (6) fat sluts will be the main characters you will see active in my Court and will generate the kind of stimulation not seen in my Kingdom since the old days.

With all this being said. I now move on to the first real change that will come effective immediately. let's dive in.

Upload Schedule Changes

With the re-imagining of my kingdom, comes the topic of Upload Schedule changes. Starting next month, I will be doing Monthly posts under the Tier, STORY MODE, Instead of regular weekly posts. I can no longer committ to regular weekly posts as my IRL schedule will no longer permit such excess time on my hands. This is good news as I will be able to fully focus on the demands of my loyal subjects regarding Animation Length and variety of stories/scenarios of posted Images and Animations. I will decide if said posts will go live during the first or last day of each month starting September 2022.

Price Changes (A): Current Status

The current price as it stands for Providence Calls: Weekly Posts now changed to REGULAR IMAGES/ANIMATIONS TIER will remain the same. Providences' Dark Archives: Telegram will be changed. Both Tiers will now function differently. Further details can be found down below:

Firstly: Older Animations and Images will be removed from my Fanbox and placed into my Dark Archives. The images recently posted will remain for now but will be moved periodically as the forseeable months go by.

Secondly: The 600 JPY (Providence Calls: Weekly Posts) Tier now changed to REGULAR IMAGES/ANIMATIONS TIER will remain the same but will not see as much regular posting of content due to my current work schedule. A new Tier will be created to facilitate the active push for more story-driven scenarios via Images/Animations on a Per-Month basis.

Price Changes (B): Future Status

Regarding new Tiers, The new STORY MODE TIER will be listed as 1100 JPY. These monthly posts will be in the form of large zip files containing of short story descriotions featuring HD Images and Animations to help tell whatever story there is for that month regarding my new OCs. These short stories will also feature main and/or one-off characters that are currently under construction but you will seem them on and off again as time progresses.

The Providences' Dark Archives: Telegram now changed to ARCHIVES TIER: Telegram will see a price increase from 1200 JPY to 3000 JPY. The current influx my Archive will see merits said increase and will be kept up-to-date every other month with the content that was posted prior the lastest monthly post.

Note Briefly: Those whom have been subbed to the formerly named Providences' Dark Archives: Telegram under the former price of 1200 JPY will still have access to the Archives. It is encouraged, however, after sometime to update yourselves to the new Tier as all related links have been changed to help reflect these changes.

How will future uploads be made?

The Uploading Process at its current status has become somewhat of a chore due to the need of censoring content that complies with japanese law. Going forward, all passwords for my monthy posted zip files will be sent out via news-letter to my subscribed Fans and any prospective Fans who subscribes within that given month will be sent the aforementioned password via Direct Message. This is will be done to uphold the level of standard in security that our Kingdom needs to remain strong.

Feedback From The Peasantry

As a Lord,it's always important to accept feedback from the good folk of my kingdom. I want you all to be involved with my kingdom just as much as I am as you have a place within it's grand design.

With that said, I am hereby implementing a 250 JPY Tier for the sole purpose of fans wanting to opt in on Polls and options for different things which OC they would like to see more of, clothing options any future characters they would want to see wear, sexual pairings of two or more characters and if are all slender boys/chubby boys or Chubby boy with Slender boy (Size Difference fetish), etc.

Choice is important and I want you all to have that.

The Content Itself

My overall images and animations of late has seen a steady lack of any real story or lore behind each post I make. Having said that, a small host of main characters are currently being created with two (2) of them already having really short story-arcs being written about them and will be made available as time progresses. The new Lore of my vision of chubby boys being split in half by Fat Dicks, in more ways than one, will take place between different Eras of history, with each new character representing that point in time of history. Past, Present and Future/Sci-fi eras will have lewd and raunchy representation to facilitate these fantasies that will undboutably feature Cocks. A lot of Cock and fat fuckable Asses too!

Closing Statement

There is a lot of work to be done but I am confident that this new way of doing things will promote new growth and vigore not only in the tight under of my loyal subjects but in the tightest sphincters that my Kingdom has to offer!

Remain devoute and know that I will lead us all into a THICKER and FATTER Ass-Oriented future!

- Lord Providence



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