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Good morning everyone! Your Lord Providence here. And I have decide to dedicate my Sundays, where applicable, to reopen my Court. Any and all images I deem to be eligible for public posting will go to these forum style interative setups every Sunday.

Your Lord's Address

It has been sometime now that I have tried on many occasions to find a suitable location to house my Chubby Empire, with many of those attempts ending up in failure. I have found a place where my Empire can grow strong and not be bothered with the trivialities of moral Terms of Service such as the one Discord follows.

Due to the inconsistency of non-social people coming into my Telegram server and then leaving just as quick, I made the decision to lock everything down until further notice. I want to get closer to you all and have been in many discord servers and a few telegram servers where people are friendly and active, having meaningful conversations and just having a good time overall. It would seem that my vision for a glorious Chubby Empire has become the exception to this rule; regrettably.

Time and again I have tried to get the ball going to build a community exclusively for Chubby Shota lovers and lovers of all things Fat, Meaty and Juicy. I have not and will not give up on this Vision. I will see my kingdom of digital Fat Boys come to pixelated life and your support is apart of that Vision. There are several things I am putting into place to not only further my initiative to oversee the development of the aforementioned Vision but also further increase the quality of my images and animations as things will only get better going forward for 2022.

More announcements on all of the above-mentioned will be made in due course.

With that out of the way, please enjoy these first three (3) images that were done yesterday as at 4 December 21. And thank you all again for whom have supported me here as well as other sites I post on. I really do appreciate it and after four (4) years of being the Lord of Chubby Shota, I can now say that it has been worth it to hear just how much I have made so many of you feel when I post my view on the Genre.


It gets lonely on most space stations.

What better to ease the tension than to rub one out in your private quarters.

4k Resolution.

Uncensored version: https://files.catbox.moe/v8wkzu.jpg

After Basketball Practice (Straight Shota)

You've just won the game for your team, and just bought the PS5 to celebrate.

What more could you want...?

Oh right....an open space to game and spunk in your sister's tight cunt.

4k Resolution

Uncensored version: https://files.catbox.moe/q3nso1.jpg

Night Attire (4k resolution)

No need for wearing pajama pants for bedtime bed when a singlet will do.

4k Resolution.



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