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It's been a long time, my name is onigiri.

And thank you for your hard work at the comic event the other day!

It seems that people are returning to the event little by little, and I feel that everyday life is gradually returning ...

So it's a new comic!

I don't know how many pages will be in total, but I'll update a few pages gradually!

One day, Yoji-kun, a tiny friend of the school (from my comic "kimitachiha tenshida!"), Suddenly has a tiny little brother!

What will happen…?

"Big Cock Child Searcher No. 18, I have no doubt about your ability, but what on earth did you discover?"

"I doubted my eyes at first, but ...

… Look at him anyway. "

"I've helped you with what you're looking for for a long time, but things like this are rare.

He was found naked in the toilet at the station two days ago. He had lost his memory, and there was no child who could be found in the police's missing child list, so he expanded the investigation to the whole country, but there was no such child... "

"Isn't he too young? There is no kindergarten in my school."

"It looks ah, but he likes to read books quietly and understands the letters and meanings. Intelligence is fine."

"Um ... the bulge in the crotch is also awesome, but he still can't ejaculate, right?"

"He looks like that, but it's about to start. Recently, I've been squirting more and more in a day."

"Squirt? Squirt ...⁇"

"Look at it. That crotch is also tightened with a special jockstrap."

"Oh~" (child say

"Oh!!!"(old man say

"You seem interested! To his big cock!"


"He's sperm so much ... he seems to like masturbation rubbing the glans these days. He just ejaculated two hours ago ..."

"Hey, is he the child you're about to adopt?"

"U ... but I already have four adopted children ..."

"The first and second are already adults, aren't they?"

"Uh ..."


"I'm back with him."

"When I came back from school, I suddenly had a small younger brother with a big cock sticking out of his pocket. What does that mean?This is like the introduction of lewd comics."

"Yes,This is like the introduction of lewd comics."

(Child "Fast and fast! Sperm leaks!"

Old man "Already! You just ejaculated!")

"This person is Yoji-kun who will be your brother."

"Brother! The bulge is big!"

"Where are you looking ...?"

"Your dick!"



his name is? "

"He has lost his memory and doesn't even know his name. he is nanashi-no-gonbe "

* In Japan, it is often called 名無しの権兵衛(nanashi-no-gonbe) that a person's name is unknown. It ’s like ‘John Doe’ in English.

"He's smaller than my little friend Taiki."

"Your brother smells good! It smells of sperm!"

"Oh, the uniform smells terrible. I wear this uniform at school and ejaculate every day ..."


Today is up to here! Next is more erotic!




Love this!! 😍 more please!! thank you!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

