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Hello guys.

Today we have little update on the week ahead and some news on Fantia.

What's coming up?

For the weekend i plan to release the Eva update, and a new VaM GIF.

Additionaly i will start uploading my 3D content on Baarag.

I will also start working on the, for the time, last FApp images and GIF.

Which will find a good finish, you will see ;). [Not available on Pixiv].

This may take some part of next week though.

Now after that, i will be working on the next video, which might take around a week.

I hope to bring out 1 or 2 AI images meanwhile, but don't bite me on it :3

The work on the next HentAI set will eventually start after the video release.

Update on Fantia

Fantia made it clear they don't want semi realistic Loli 3D content. However, even stylistic AI content now seems to be banned there. So i will forget about Fantia and focus on Pixiv and Baarag for now.


Annette got two little hotfixes. Make sure to get the latest version

Edit: A new update is now released (12.03), you can now load her "general" preset to apply the custom hairstyle correctly.

You may have noticed, sometimes i do little edits on older works.

It's not super regular, but from now on i will list them here, so you can check for a new version, if you are the kind to download them.

- "AI Set Street Girls" updated most pictures and added a preview picture (HentAI version will follow).

- "AI Set Silvester", updated the eyes on the first picture.

- A few sets got an updated preview picture to have a uniform structure. The first part of a Set series will just have the title, without any # as well.

- "AI Set Kissing" got some more detail love as well.

For works uploaded on the external site, those are usually uploaded first with Letterbox (valid for 3 days, marked as "new"), then permanently, to allow some minor adjustments in this timeframe, as making duplicate uploads will take space away from Catbox. However, i'm going into the direction of making it an exception, which means i will take the additional time needed, so that the work can be considered final on the first release. If there are edits, they are minor details.

Stay frosty <3





Wow not convenient at all to update the links like this x) Maybe you could add a date next to the file link when something was modified? Looking forward to the lovely gifs :D