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 続編としてのショートストーリーを用意していますが、前半のシーンは正直、前作の焼き直しです。今作は、前作の中盤からどれくらい絵を動かせるかに焦点を当てて作成しました。前作同様に、触手の卵から少女の姿になる部分はグロテスクに感じると思われるので、表現が苦手な方は【Censored ver.】をお楽しみください。

 Thank you for your continued interest. This is a sequel to "[R18G] The Tentacle Egg into Girl, Princess, and Prince".

 I have a short story as a sequel, but the first half of the scene is honestly a rehash of the previous work. This work was created with a focus on how much i can move the picture from the middle part of the previous work. As in the previous work, the part where the girl changes from a tentacle egg to a girl's form is supposed to be grotesque, so if you are not comfortable with the expression, please enjoy 【Censored ver.】.


【R18G】触手の卵と少女と姫と王子と②(The Tentacle Egg into Girl, Princess, and Prince.)

【Censored ver.】 【Grotesque(Uncensored) ver.】 【Images(ZIP)】 【Story&Picture】  洞窟に向かった王子はモンスターが擬態した姫に騙されて、王子の姿を写し取られてしまう。本物の王子は偽物の王子が洞窟を立ち去った後も、出口を塞がれ触手と化した場所から抜け出せないでいた。  翌日、王子が眠りから覚める...


※前作はこちらから ※人を選ぶのでマイピク公開に限定しました。

*Previous work is here.



 「おはようございます王子様。 今日も私の相手をしてくださるかしら?」




 The prince heads for the cave and is tricked by the princess, whom the monster mimics, into copying the prince's appearance. After the real prince leaves the cave, the fake prince is still stuck in the place where the exit was blocked and turned into a tentacle.

 The next day, when the prince awoke from sleep, part of the tentacle in front of him transformed into a sphere, and when the unevenness appeared on the egg-shaped surface, it became a human eye, nose, mouth, and hair, forming the shape of the princess. The princess, who had just finished her mimicry, made eye contact with the prince with her tongue outstretched and her drooling, disheveled face renewed.

"Good morning my prince. I wonder if you will be my companion today?"

 The princess turned to face the prince, smiled, lifted the edge of her dress, and opened her legs wide, revealing the lower half of her body, which was wearing nothing.

To be continued.




新たな性癖が開そうだ。やはり良い。 陰ながら応援しております。


応援ありがとうございます! 個人的にはTSFだけじゃなくて、全くの別の生き物が人間に化けているのも大好きなんです。苦手な人も多いと思うので扱いが難しいです。