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Thank you for your continued support. This is the last update for this year.

How was this year for you? For me, it was a tough year.

I have been sick every month since the beginning of this year, and in August, I was in the worst condition.

I couldn't do anything and was in bed for about a week. I went to the hospital for a checkup and they did not find any particular disease, but the doctor told me that the cause was lifestyle and stress.

Since then, I have been working on improving my diet and exercise, and my body is feeling better. My body, which used to be obese, has lost about 7 kg in the past 4 months, and my daily life has become easier.

As for mental stress, it is difficult to improve and there is nothing I can do about it, so I have to get along with it.

It was a year in which I learned anew the importance of good health. Please take care of your health, too.

This year, I had set a goal of becoming a doujinshi, but due to health problems, I ended up not being able to do it.... Since it was the year of the rabbit, I had planned to make a CG collection of the bunny series. So I don't know if I will make it next year. It is more often the case that things don't go well even if I set a goal, so I think I will take it easy and not make any decisions.

Also, my PC broke down...it was a messy year.

So thank you for your support this year. We look forward to working with you again next year!



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