Pixivの規約変更について/Notice of Changes to Pixiv Terms and Conditions (Pixiv Fanbox)
[EN] To all of our regular supporters
Pixiv has announced to creators that the terms of use of Pixiv will be changed in the middle of next month, and some non-conforming works will be hidden.
Since Fanbox is also subject to this change, there is a possibility that my work will be hidden at some point in the next month. I don't know which works will be hidden, but there is a possibility that none of them will be hidden, or that all of them will be hidden. If you like a work, please keep it locally.
In such a case, I will not be able to return any of your donation. I will continue to update my Pixiv page daily as much as possible, so if you would like to continue to support me, I would appreciate it very much.