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Hey there, this is B!

How is it going? Having a good time?

You might be wondering (or not) why I'm posting on a Tuesday instead of the usual Monday; well, the thing is, Monday was April's Fool's Day, I didn't want you to think it was a joke or something, hahaha (basically, I forgot, but just play along).

Anyway, getting down to business, the next set is not related to Dragon Ball, and it's shaping up like this:

Like the result? Do you recognize the characters? What do you think? I'm all ears. Now, after this little sneak peek, I'd like to show my current queue sets as well, currently, it looks like this: - Desumi x Bosslar - Videl x Spopovich #2 - Senpai x Kohai #2 - Asuka x Goten - Fasha/Selypar x Tao Pai Pai And that's it, that's what I'll be working on in the coming months. What do you think? Well, now that I've had my break, I'm back; I'll start trying to post every two weeks and see how it goes from there on pixiv. Maybe I'll post a redraw between sets to keep it active, we'll see. It's been nice chatting again, see you in my next post. Thanks for your support. ~ B




yo, it looks very nice. also glad to see you are getting quite alot of work, but to know you are taking it easier.


Fasha x Tao Pai Pai ;]