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Hello Everyone! I hope you're having a nice weekend! Some more picture for you. As you can tell, this is a pretty long sequence. The images I've shown from it thus far are only about one third of the duration of the actual sequence. With most of the rest of it being hidden to avoid spoilers. So, as far as the final leg of production is concerned. I'm wrapping up one section of simulations (one big effect) and have one more big effect to go. After that, I will be moving on to the sound design. I will say that, given the length of this project, I do expect the sound design portion to take one or two additional days (usually I can knock the sound design out in one or two long days for my normal length projects). But, once that is all said and done, this project will be in the bag! I've been rendering this last sequence out whenever my computer is not actively simulating, so I don't anticipate there being any long rendering delays with this project to slow it down. I'm excited to get this one out, and also eager to look ahead to the next project! While it's been a while since it was posted, everyone should still feel free to add to the latest character poll if they haven't had the chance to, and want to give some input into the next project! This has been the longest turnaround time yet on a project. And, with some unexpected personal delays on my end, it's been even longer still. So, I just want to really thank all of you for keeping with me while I get this one out. It's only with your support that I'm able to do this, and it means so much to me to have your backing in creating my art. Truly, thank you! I will be back in a couple days with some last images for you!




I hope it won't be long until next month. Because I'm still patiently waiting I believe that this project must come out well.