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Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to give a quick update to you here in Fellow Weirdo tier about what to expect as I get towards the end portion of this project. So, right now, I plan on having 1-2 long shots left, and then one final short shot. But, to make my efforts more efficient, I'm considering condensing it all down into one long single take to make sure I get this one out as quickly as possible, given the delay. Both strategies have their logistical pros and cons, and I'm weighing which option might be best.

At any rate, as I mentioned in my general post, I plan on resumming production very soon, and plan on having another update for you all next week. While I plan on including images in the update, they may or may not be polished depending on the strategy I elect to proceed with.

Thanks for bearing with me through this! I hope you like the automated images, and the direction the project is taking!



Nice to see you back! Hope all is well! If this was a vote mine would be for quality over brevity if it's a balance between those. As excited as I am for the next release!


I definitely second quality over speed. Well worth the wait. Hope all is well with the family!


I appreciate hearing that, thank you! I never want to sacrifice quality. While I always try to move quickly, I'll make sure not to rush things just for the sake of getting the project out. I'm still dedicated to making this one crazy, lol.