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Hello Everyone.

Unfortunately, I've recently recieved news that I have a close family member undergoing a medical emergency that requires my immediate travel. I anticipate being able to return in about a week. But, given the circumtances, there is some uncertainty. I should be able to automate one or two image updates for the Fellow Weirdo tier, but the situation requires my immediate and full attention and I will be unable to respond to messages during my absence.

Obviously, this isn't the sort of situation that can be negotiated with and I sincerely apologize for this sudden absence. I anticipate developement of the current project to continue normally when I return. I appreciate your support tremendously. I consider myself very fortunate to have such positive supporters here on Fanbox, and I want to thank you all so much for your understanding. I will be back in touch as soon as I return in six or seven days.



No need to apologize. Best wishes to you and your family member. Take the time you need


Sorry to hear the news. I hope your family member recovers soon. Take as much time as you need. We'll be here whenever you return.


Best wishes for you and yours, hope they recover quickly!