Situation Update 05 (Pixiv Fanbox)
Hello Everyone!
Sorry for the long time between updates. With the new guidelines being in effect for almost a week, I've been trying to keep an eye on how content is being enforced on Fanbox. So far, it seems like they are probably just concerned with very realisitic art, but that is an assumption on my part. I haven't really noticed other artists getting suspended or having posts privated, though, which is a good sign. However, because of the subjective nature of their guidelines, that could still change depending on how they choose to enforce them.
So, I'm still going to be keeping an eye on things, but my plan right now is to resume my art here in January! There may be some small changes in the way I present and deliver my art, to ensure I remain within the guidelines, but otherwise it seems like things should be fine. So, I'm going to be finishing up my most recent project, and hope to start up again with its release next month. Naturally, this depends on how they enforce guidelines going forward, but so far it seems like it should be alright for now.
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season, and I will keep you updated if the situation changes!