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Hello Everyone!

Thank you very much to everyone that participated in the polling! And, if you haven't yet had the chance, please feel free to comment under that post if you have an opinion you'd like to express. I'll keep my eye on that poll until the end of this current project. Your answers have helped me make a clear decision on the direction for next month's video, and I really appreciate it!

Also, in regards to this final project, I'm wrapping up some extra simulating for the final shots, and am still aiming for that Oct. 31 release date! That being said, when it comes to simulating gorey nastiness, I don't want to rush things if it means accepting a sub par simulation result. I'm very happy with what I've got so far, but I always strive for the best work I can make. So, the potential release could be pushed back a day or two, just depending on how the final simulations come along.

I like to keep the final conclusions of my videos a secret until the release, so I apologise, but I'm going to refrain from posting any more images of the project until that release. So, this post will act as the final update until I've got that out.

I'm super excited to get this project out and, as always, your support means everything to me! Thank you so much, and I'll be back in several days with the final video!



Take your time! We are willing to wait for a quality product.