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Hello Everyone! I'm getting close to the end finally! I was maybe a bit too ambitious with this long shot, lol. Running simulations has been brutal, and I even wound up needing to upgrade my RAM to deal with the crazy file sizes and run the project file. However, I have every intention of getting this wrapped up and out to you sometime this week! I plan on this being the last update, but if some crazy delay comes up, I will let you know. Also, looking at the polling results, it looks like most people with a preference like the longer projects with about a month long turnaround time. So, I plan on maintaining this type of schedule, one longer video per month, going into the future. Heck, even with my best efforts to get this project out with a shorter turnaround time, I couldn't help but get carried away and make it longer anyways, lol. As always, I really appreciate your support and patience, and look forward to getting this released out to you all!




She's so cute! I bet she has an amazing texture.