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こういうネタを描きたいと思ったんですけど配信とかスパチャのシステムよく知らないので完全に妄想です。 あと海外の方には字幕が読めないとネタが伝わらないかも…と思ったので 自動翻訳ですが英語版もアップしておきます。 Also, I thought that people overseas might not be able to understand the story if they cannot read the subtitles... I have uploaded the English version as well, though it is an automatic translation. ※追記 こっちのほうが自然だよ!って教えていただいたので英文修正しました。Thank you!




Thank you for the English translation. We appreciate all your hard work 😭😭😭


As an English speaker the translate works fine, but "I'll fuck my brother if the donations exceed xx in superchat" would feel more natural, this is not a critique, just some insight from an English speaking fan 😅

Sorry for the unnatural translation since I used a translation tool.😭 But it seems that the intent of the illustration was understood, and I am glad about that. Since you went through the trouble, may I use the text you translated for my illustration? Thanks for taking the time to look at my illustrations!

Since I do not speak English, I used a translation tool. I hope the intent of the illustration is understood by the viewer.😭 Thank you!!


Can't thank you enough for the translations 🙏😁. And yay! you drew socks on him again 😅❤️


There's nothing to be sorry about, I would have done the same thing if I was trying to write anything in japanese 😅 and of course you can 😘

Thank you! I like boys with socks too, so I drew it that way.😊💗


Where's the superchat button? (Lolz!)


Soo hot! Thank you for the english version

Thank you! I am relieved that the intent of the illustration was conveyed to you.😊


😍🤤 very sexy, love the socks on the boy!


I LOVE the socks too! You've got good tastes Corner.