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It's here! Dollhouse Rising version 0.85 is available for public testing, boasting over 1,300 images for you to sink you teeth into! Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KEmqvS5Yrlo7L0Rb7b7Rk13BJR5qakzo/view Hope you enjoy!




can we use save files from previous versions or do we have to start again?

Doll House

some changes are incompatible with old save files- So, you can use older files, but some things may not work as they should.


I've been waiting for this! The preview images already look amazing. Looking forward to seeing what you've cooked up!


The game slows down once you enter the sewer system. Is this intentional or is this a bug?


To be specific, the characters slow down significantly.


The speed the character walks makes it impossible to do the baking stuff in 11 seconds and the game loops there. You can't be serious right?


Niiice! Im so excited to play it <3 i was thinking, that for the final version it would be great if there is like a "memory album" or somewhere where you can watch again some scenes, i think it would be great


I think it's a bug but you can fix it very easily. There's an item you have called the 'Pace Changer', in your key items, you can use it to change your speed.


Thank you for the wonderful update...! The situation of girls who are turned into love dolls by chemicals but cannot be saved, the skin texture that can't be obtained by stopping time or being brainwashed, which at first glance looks like a person, but is cruelly an object, with a lustrous and roughness that coexists... It was also great!


hmm I think I might be missing some stuffs cuz I can't find the doll shop nor the mushroom village anywhere...


They exist, you gotta keep playing through the game


I am also couldn't find the option to copy keys in void hearth. Could just be me tho.


I'm already done with all 8 world events... I honestly don't know whether I missed stuff or some of them bugged out for me.

Luke Lesan

ok how the FUCK are ya supposed to do the old mans quest? that shit starts confusing AND he doesnt repeat the first steps if you miss em meaning you need to full reload cause there is no going back and stopping with him....

Luke Lesan

also can ya fix briana disapearing the SECOND you take anyone else with ya AND her not being able to be brought back? its kinda annoying that she just peaces out forever cause i like her combat style AND would like our party to be filled out with masako and niko.

Luke Lesan

actually she disapears the second you fully repair masako and not even if you equip and or bring out masako my guy...

Luke Lesan

lastly i DO love the update so far but its kinda annoying to haveta choose between briana or masako and niko....


Is the Google drive still okay? I've been trying for the past two days but it keeps saying there have been too many downloads.


I really like playing family with robots. It's a shame that I can't go into the house after the event.


Two questions: Is there already a way to increase the 'Wisdom' stat? Is there a list of world quests? I've tried to look everywhere, but I'm still stuck at 7/8.

Luke Lesan

the last cup pouring one is the one im stuck on. the first 2 i did the same but that last one makes no earthly sense