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This is the page for the July Cooking Contest! Maybe. I'll only go through with it if I get enough people to actually compete, but that aside, here's how it will go.

Theme: Heat

The first Cooking Contest's theme has got to be pretty open-ended, and what better theme to work on then the dread of summer, the heat! Whether it be fire, fireworks, a stove, or even just some warm looking clothes, as long as "heat" plays a central role in the piece, than it's all good!


- Essentially all mediums of art are fine. The submission can be compiled in a manga- like format, or be singular images.

- The total image count may not exceed 12, and the total file size of your submission may not exceed 75 MB.

- The work must be appropriate to be posted on the "DOLLHOUSE" channel. Which is a pretty wide margin.

- Additional restrictions and limitations may apply in response to certain actions. Don't be that guy that single-handedly causes a new rule to be added.


We'll test the waters here.

- 1st Place: Will get access to July DOLLHOUSE works and a commission for free. Commission must remain at least semi-inline with the DOLLHOUSE formula.

- 2nd Place: Will get access to July DOLLHOUSE works for free.

Sign-up ends on July 9th.

This is gonna be an experiment for both you and me. I hope you guys join, and I hope this contest goes well.
