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Ah, it's finally done! This was a hard one to make, as you can tell by the file size and time of posting. Apologies for that, by the way. I know it's technically not even the same day, but I hope you'll forgive me anyway. Regardless, Fallen Heroes reboot! New characters, new plot, and a very new look to my storytelling. I thought this would be a great series to start really delving into cell shading, and I think it turned out great. Hope you guys enjoy.



Are you gonna post stories using cell shading for now on after finish Fallen Swords and Fallen Trainers or not? By the way, I like the shading that look like anime.


This is the post from Yesterday so today post will something else I guess


I'm guessing this new reboot stories won't involved ESMC


I didn't expect the reboot of the Fallen Heroes though


Interesting Should be interesting to see how their quirks are dealt with


The quirks that make you able to hypnotize and kidnap people freely without anyone notice? Interesting.

Kage Tsukino

Can't say much yet, too soon on the story, but the art was good. Don't get much yet other than the protags being a bunch of malcontents, but then again, MHA is kinda like that.


This reboot is looking good. I like how they are still somewhat sentient rather than being completely silent.