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Simply put, I messed up hard. Yesterday's update was buggy to hell and back, and I'm sorry for shipping out a product that clearly wasn't suitable for the amount of time and support you guys have given me. I'll be uploading a semi-fixed version of the game later today, with a fix to Kensley's locked access, Amelia's non-interaction, and the issue with random door teleportations in the city. There will be more information on the Pixiv version of this post.




Dont worry too much about it.

Doll & Death

Thank you for developing this game. It might not be satisfying for you personally due to your own standards, but as a player, I wish to give you a review about my experiences in this game. 1st thing: the premise. It is not unique, in R18 games about mind control, we have had mega corps trying to kidnap women and turn them into brainwashed robots using either technology or magic before in sites like f95zone. What makes YOUR work unique, however, is the clear passion in it. You put obvious effort into designing the character models, especially the women. The world building too, even if it is not that in-depth yet. This is refreshing, not like tons of halfhearted games with similar premise out there. This is the first plus point to me.

Doll & Death

2nd point is the main character, Lucas. He is a breath of a fresh air compared to most protagonists in this kind of game. Lucas is a young man in a futuristic era where humanity has discovered magic and blended it with technology, who is working as an assassin in the guild. And it shows: he is not overly kind or heroic, he doesn't care having his classmates and teachers kidnapped, brainwashed, and turned into androids. He enjoys some gigs if it pays, and he even said he likes knocking out people. But Lucas is also not a sociopath: he is professional, can be courteous to others, anf cares for Brianna and a few others. He is an assassin first and foremost, he prioritizes himself, but he is not heartless. This makes him believable: he is not some brainless protagonist driven by his dick and actually thinks his actions through.

Doll & Death

The 2nd point is related to the 3rd point, which is probably what I like the most, is how you don't make Lucas immediately take a side in this story. Lucas has no real personal problem with E.S.M.C capturing innocent girls, he is simply infiltrating the corp because Koiros wants him to target the time magic abusers in the E.S.M.C. Lucas also doesn't do it for free: he does what Koiros asks because he hopes to gain the TRUE time magic powers which the old man possesses. Like a real assassin, he works for personal gain, not for "what is right". But at the same time, Lucas also has no issue going against E.S.M.C. and setting up future plans just in case. He has no problem helping the android resistance in the sewers. This is, again, true to how an assassin thinks: as long as Lucas himself profits, he doesn't mind doing anything or siding with anyone.

Doll & Death

This 3rd point leads to the 4th: because Lucas is a flexible protagonist whose main objectives are personal gain and protecting the few he is close to, the game offers a LOT of things for Lucas to do. Doing jobs for the Guild, working with other adventurers, breaking in E.S.M.C, working FOR E.S.M.C and kidnap girls, assisting rogue androids against E.S.M.C... so many options. I think many players will agree with me when I say this is the strongest appeal of the game. Lucas is free to do what he wants, as long as it profits himself. He works for Koiros because the old man will teach him ancient time magic in return. He protects Brianna and a few others so he can still have some ties to a normal human life. He works for E.S.M.C. so he can fulfil Koiros's request, and also to pleasure himself every now and then with money and women. He works with the android resistance just in case he needs help against E.S.M.C, and ALSO to enjoy them.

Doll & Death

Selfish? Definitely. But that is why the game is enjoyable; Lucas is selfish so we players can enjoy doing whatever we want in the context of the game. This leads me to my 5th point: I personally don't enjoy how you chose to make E.S.M.C find out about Lucas so soon, and give him no other options but to oppose E.S.M.C in the future. It takes away one of Dollhouse District's plus points: the player's freedom to enjoy the many things Lucas can do. It also limits future developments: since Lucas is now hurt by E.S.M.C, he most likely won't side with the corp anymore. Most of us players also enjoy your various Dollhouse side stories. I am very certain at least some of us also want to have Lucas work alongside the E.S.M.C agents you have made in those stories. They are fun, and it would make your game work and side stories work sync up: lessening your burdens too.

Doll & Death

I do not wish to tell you what to do. I am merely telling you my experience with the game and what I think would be best for it, as a player. This is your game, and this is your story. I respect that. So take this not as an order, or a request, but a recommendation: I think you should consider remaking this game, rather than making a sequel to it. This game is long enough to be considered a "prologue" to a much larger story. Even as it is now, despite its flaws, it is enjoyable. But personally I believe the way this prologue ends, the next game would severely limit your own freedom. It would also take away what I already mentioned to be one of the game's strongest appeal: Lucas's freedom and neutrality, how he has the option to do anything for his own desires and gains.

Doll & Death

If I am allowed to tell you a direction on how I think Dollhouse District should move forward. I think it should be a game with multiple routes. As the story progresses, Lucas will be given options on who he would ultimately side with, and what actions he would take. For example. Would Lucas continue working for Koiros? What if E.S.M.C offers the assassin something he considers more worth his time than true time magic, enough that Lucas severs his connection with Koiros making the old man unable to interfere with the outside world anymore, and side with the E.S.M.C for good?

Doll & Death

If Lucas continues to work for Koiros, would he specifically target just the time magic abusers of E.S.M.C as per the old man's request, and THEN personally take over E.S.M.C using the true temporal magic inherited from Koiros? After all, temporal magic from Koiros isn't destabilizing time and space like the ones E.S.M.C use. If Lucas takes over, the world isn't in danger... though the women would be. If Lucas decides E.S.M.C as a whole is too much for his tastes and too dangerous, so it must be destroyed. Would he side with the android resistance? Or would he only pretend to help the rogue androids only to then turn against them too?

Doll & Death

You can see what I am trying to say? Your game, your story, has much, much potential. There are still a few more possibilities, though I would not say here. But writing and developing for all of these definitely would take massive amount of effort and unpredictable periods of time. If you choose to ignore these, it's okay. You know more about game development than I do. I did say, this is a recommendation, part of my review, my experiences and feelings as I played this game. I wouldn't burden you with more words to read. This is already walls of text as is. I have said what I want to say. I only hope you would give it attention, and thought. Thank you for making a worthwhile game.


Why do we fall, if not to get up again? Although, yes, the game update was a little frustrating with the bugs, you are putting in honest effort and we are responding to that and also helping each other out with the gameplay. I remember when Skyrim came out (and a few other big end games) was as buggy as hell - and that was with a team of developers with corporate hq etc etc. So yeah, I think the bottom line here is that we're all rooting for ya!!


Did you upload the semi-fixed version of the game yet


Gotta agree with doll & death. I really like that Lucas is FREE, he do what he wants and decide for himself. In a setting that people got converted(killed) to become android left and right, various department infiltrated and hypnotized to bend the law on their side BUT he still mind his own business, never mention anything about justice. He is just a man living his own life to the fullest. He even work for the side that does this for his personal gain. This is the point that make me like this series so much. So I kinda worried if Lucas in Rising will lose this charm since an ordeal is placed upon him and he can’t mess around anymore. (It will become good vs evil type) Hope that this charm of your writing still persist in the next project. On to the Rising


Also i need to be that guy(sorry). Please use you and you’re correctly xD


Guess we're all dropping our two cents here. "Dollhouse Districts" quickly became one of my most favorite, if not my absolute most favorite, hypnosis/time stop/mechanization hentai game. I enjoy the lore and the characters involved, the sex scenes are totally hot, and the ability to do a lot in the game, both in the main quest and the side activities, gives the player a lot of choices and freedom to explore the environment and talk to people in the overworld.


I feel like a lot of what most of us think was said in explicit detail by Doll & Death. I do absolutely enjoy a somewhat selfish protagonist who can play both sides of the conflict, and being forced into one side would not only limit what players would enjoy in the future, but also limit the stories or scenarios you could come up with as well. While I'm stoked about "Dollhouse Rising" and seeing where the story goes, I also feel like, with so serious a cliffhanger, the tone of the story would also become serious, too serious to really enjoy the sex scenes that would be available. Feels rather hypocritical or inappropriate to fuck an ESMC doll or a frozen girl when you're in a conflict with an organization that took your arm and all.


In terms of my own gaming experience, I agree with Doll & Death.


I don't think I can ever properly state how much I like some of the girls you designed for the game. To this day, I absolutely want Allie all for myself, along with Luna, Ms. Winnoah, and Ms. Lillian to play with in Koikatsu. In fact, I do wish that there were options to convert or kidnap certain characters when presented with the option. Like, maybe give players a choice to convert one, and only one, person for the ESMC a day, or maybe give players the choice to kidnap one of the captured girls in stealth moments. For example, when in the Repair Warehouse, give players the choice to kidnap and keep either Luna or Ms. Lillian for themselves. Or, rather than just keeping the dolls in your basement, maybe allow your dolls to become party members to take to the field. But I do understand its too much to implement for one person.


if anyone wondering where the fix version is, It on Pixiv version of this post


First, I would like to say thank you for your hard work in the past months. You surely put a lot of effort to made this game and even released them for free. For the game, when I played version 1.0, I was amazed on how the story flow, so I'm kinda a bit disappoint on how it ended because I can see so many more potential on how the story can develop into. I read your Pixiv post that you didn't like the direction of the game you made and what it limited you. I fully respect your decision. But I think putting an end to the story like this might also limit how the story can develop in the sequel. Like Doll & Death said, I think the biggest selling point of "Dollhouse Districts" is how Lucas being very logical and not taking any side. I'm not gonna be bossy on how to make the game. It's your game and I'm your supporter. I know that single-handedly developing a game is a hell of a job. You don't need to push your self too hard. I wish you very good luck.


Hard work! I hope you can update on December 25th about the camera that can turn people into plastic in the underground market. I like this prop very much and look forward to the follow-up of this side story!


I made Full Gameplay video of your first games did you want to see it


Right here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jp-cLB_vi7xSYio1xJBfa2dfgZ56ehlx/view though you need download it first though


Hell yeah, if the droids can be part of the party. Also, I do hope there would be interactions between the protagonist and the droids at home. Like, making them do the chores , take advantage of their skills to acquire key items, and on and on. Just think about it! Your party grows as your bond tightens with your favourite girls, and your home transformed from a barren place to liveness with each girl you collected alongside with youe journey. That's what we call a sense of accomplishment.