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// (喜多):不行啦...突然這樣把舌頭...♥ 哈哈...喜多太可愛了♥ 實在忍不住呢~ (虹夏):...... (喜多):但是今天...得先幫大家做的啊.... ...啊♥ 抱歉~我忍不住了啊 嗚...山本先生要插隊的的話...也沒辦法了W 畢竟多虧他我們才能這樣享福啊... W (虹夏):...喜多...在叔叔面前露出那副色氣的樣子... ...也是為了樂團大家嗎...? !?...唔...♥ 小...小虹夏? 喜多~一臉期待地張著嘴呢... (喜多):才...沒有呢♥ 想吃叔叔的肉棒嗎? (喜多):嗯♥ 唔哦...啊♥喜多...♥♥ 真是好孩子...已經這麼會吃肉棒了...♥ 等等...♥...哈啊...♥ 不能吃這麼急啊...♥ // // 皆さん、こんにちは~😎 きたちゃん+にじかのアルバイト物語第5回~ (( 😂遅くなってすみません!うっかり一度にたくさんのお題を描き始めてしまいました...。 今月中にもっと仕上げられるように頑張ります...! 皆さん応援ありがとうございました 😇 ------------------- 大家好 不好意思進度遲了 上個月不小心同時想畫太多題材........ 結果沒有一個完成的😂😂😂 這個月會盡量多畫點東西~ 謝謝大家的支持~!😇




Kita is so cute, and someone has finally recognized Moeko's charm, I think she's the best girl in the show, can't wait for the full work!


Just only one picture? 😭


Thank you! I've been wanting to draw some pictures since I watched the first season, but I haven't had the time.😭 I hope I can draw at least a few interesting ones this time!


I started drawing too many things at the same time last month, so I didn't finish each one halfway through...😂So I'm going to post the finished pictures in order. It might be a bit scattered, but I'll try to finish as many as I can this month!... Sorry about that.