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So here we are.

Today 02/06/2023, a year has passed since first post on Pixiv.

I'm quite stubborn sometimes, and this helped me a lot in accomplishing the works posted until now and hopefully, the incoming ones.

But another thing really helped me even more: your following and support!

That was of huge help and encouragement!

I'm REALLY grateful and hope you'll stay tuned on me (and Mya)!



PS: Below, there's a little suprise I came up with. And to avoid misunderstandings: these are NOT Koikatsu cards. I made the layout entirely from the scratch, trying to follow the real ones for the most!

PIXIV post: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108649329


Adult content. Every character or situation is entirely fictional.

All of my content is created only for parody. All characters depicted in my content are consenting adults (18+).


For characters I made modifications from, please check other posts.



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