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Heyy! Its Toki, I am sorry for lack of posting and want to update your support and the current new direction i am heading.

1st problem is tough relationship i had and trying to recover from them since November. I been trying to seek helps from my friends and family and getting better at the moment.

2nd problem is my familys 2 years deadline since 2022 about my art career

For months, i have been drawing only snuff and porn . I slowly losing interested in the subject while trying to prove my family this art might make a living since beginning of 2022. After discussion with them recently, they let me know that the 2 years deadline not the aim for making enough living. But for to see if i want to head with this direction.

When i learnt about this new input from my family, i decided to stop trying to pump souless art which aim for getting money but to actually study art.

I gonna draw casual stuff in between ryona with new sketchy artstyle. While also learning story telling better

Here is some sweet and cute art of the guardian as my new beginning for this fanbox!

Here is my other persona art and composition study, as i try to do more story telling and character expressions




I agree, maybe slowly less porn but more peril for Margaret!

Naive Guardians

Huehue >u< noted The problem is i slowly losing interest with ryona if i dont draw something i want/like ya know . But peril content still on going but i will figure