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Heyall! Its Naive Guardian here, I have new Poll going right now!

First thing first is the poll result of the previous post

And the result people majority go with R-18G. Dont worry if i go away from suffocation/aphyxiation, i still draw them every month!

2nd one is regarding the character to my ryona roster. The character is a robot named Jetti. But i been drawing them as femboy character getting into gorey mess like this post https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99779478

I have idea of him being antagonist of upcoming chokehold~

But future art will have him getting into risky mission which leads him to many deaths.




Anyway i just want a 2nd poll to see if everyone here is up with me.

The art wont show the character private parts (a dick bruh =v=). I just wanna use him as dummy for gore art



If yes, i will draw him in this design only.

If no being majority, i will see if i can draw Jetti with some female chest ;3c

Below are the extra art of him




Sorry for this kind of post, cuz i been idea blackout and worryness with this amount of support of fanbox and i try to understand if everyone here is supporting this idea!

Any comments and support are needed ! uvu9


コメントやサポートは必要です! uvu9」

btw unholy alliance going in the poll right now
