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Draft 【ラフ】 1

Draft 【ラフ】 2, bones. this is the first time i've ever drawn a pelvis, what a whacky bone. i also tried drawing the two bones in the forearms, it's still hard for me to visualize when they should cross and when they shouldn't.

Draft 【ラフ】 3, muscle

Draft 【ラフ】 4, shark

here's the finished line work

and now for some shading attempts, trying different ways to color the skin.

shading 1, g-pen only

I like how this looks, but its really easy to mess up. there's not as much leniency despite its simplicity, so i can't see myself doing this for every future drawing.

shading 2, airbrush only

this one is probably the easiet, but also the most time consuming. i am also not the biggest fan of how this looks.

finished, it's kinda a mix of both the g-pen and the air brush. this is something i'll need more practice in and will explore in future drawings.

... and finally, here's some original characters i drafted in my free time

on the left is a slime girl. i think it's lewd how it's see-through. the pelvic practice from earlier came back in for this.

on the right is a face-less guy, but taken a bit more literally. i dont seriously draw guys much, so it's something i'll try to improve here and there.




I need more of the slime girl.