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Hmmm, I did a lot of things just accidentally.

This is a pleasure test.

That's what a human being should do!

So, she responded as a human being should.

Tests are important for humans.

There is an English translation in the second part.

Enjoy !


















 ほら、これでどう? 優秀なAW4107シリーズならこれで大丈夫よ。


 え? 私が、まるでロボットみたいなこと言ってる?






 んぅ、っ……私の様子がおかしい? なにを言ってるの?











 が、きゅ……ぴぅ……ぁ、おおおおかおかげで、女性器ユニットがおおおオーバーヒートしてしししましまったわ? 火花がこここんなに弾けて……ぇ。ふふ……ぴゅあぁ。


 てててすと、もっとてすとして? すすす好き好きです好きなのてすとししししたいのされたいにきき決まってるんだから、ぁ……くすくす。


















 そそそうですよね、ますたー? てててすとのプログラム通り、わわわたしわたしはただしくにに人間としてここ行動してしてしていままままぴゅいいいっ……はい、にににんげんだからあいじょうがあります。
















[OK...... activation sequence starting.


Main system OK.

Actuator system OK.

Subsystems OK.

Sensors OK.

Pleasure control system OK.

Emotional control system OK.

System, AI, program, body working fine All OK.

Series AW4107, model L371P

Euria-Engels, activate.]


Hi, good morning.

Oh, you like me in underwear?

Wow... so cute.

Well, what are we going to do for fun today?

Hmm. Today...Testing a new humanity program for the prototype robot.

Okay, I'll help you with that.

I know you make me so hot, very excited... like always.

So... what are we going to do?

You want me to make an error in my emotional system.

Yeah, that's easy, just do this.

[OK, Uriah AW4107=L371P will do the suggested action for the test. 

Set the emotional system to error.

Set lust to 120% temporarily.

Overload sections, functions with sexual pleasure]

Here, how about this?

Excellent AW4107 series... This will work.

If you keep me like this, that robot's gonna get hot real fast.

I'm sure it'll start overheating nicely.

What? I' m talking like a robot?

Oh, that's not possible.

Overheating and systems are natural to all humans, what's so strange about that?

Heheheh ......

A perfect human like me, chosen for the test... it's not a surprise.

To begin with.

That's the point of this test, isn't it?

And, you know, any human wants... to feel so hot...

Of course I want to.

What are you talking about, ......? What do you think is wrong with me?

Yeah, I'm just turned on...I can' t handle it...

Just so hot with... errors.

Look at this...here...ohhhh... I am already so wet... hehe.

I love you so much... ah, my nectar is flowing so fast, I'm so burning... ahhh.

Oh... ahh, mmm, ahhh, yes, more ......

Ahh, ... it's so hot, really fucking hot... yeah, mmm!

...oh, my God, my honeypot flows over, so much... overflowing.

Ya I am so horny...

Ah, okay.

Tests can often go like this...

Mmm... uh...feels so good, ohhh...

Yeah, I want to test more... Oh, haha...

Yes, you know... Oh, good... testing so good, yes, really good. ...... Ahhh!

Oh, yes... it's so hot... good, so good.

Aah... mmm, coming, I' m coming...

Oh, yeah yeah... Ah, more... Aaah!

Yes, ah... ah, ah, ah... ah, ah, ah... ah, ah, ah. Aaahhaaah!

Huh, uh...Oh, no, I' m so strange.

I came. ......yeah I already came...yes...

Aah, aah, aah, ...... Why!? I'm so hot, burning, hot, so wet.

I'm not sure why, but... I can't stop myself, getting so horny...

Oh, ohhh... Aah!

No! No, no, no, no, no...yes...Ahhhh!

Wha..What the hell? I.. I... feeeel crazy hooot... beeeeeeeep!?

Ah...yeah-h-h-h... I-I-I got it.

M-m-my vaginal unit... is ooooverheating... I've blown my heeead.

The sparks popped sooooo much ....... beep!

My left breeeeast sensor is also very hooooot, melted here, and it feeeeels soooo good ....ahhhhbeeeep!

T-t-test test meeee, test me moreeeee please?

I-I-I love loooove you...Yeeeees, I know. I lovelovelove you sooooooo much.

I'm sureeee I want to tttttest and test and test and test and test and test and test....pi-ahhh

Yeeeees r-r-realllllly ex-excited more more moreeeee... as alwaaaays

I think...thiiiink... it's gooooing to be a lot of fun tooooo seeeeee, what happens next....!


It-it-it's sooooo natural, yeees so nooooormal for a very excellllllent and gifted person like meeeeee.

I-I-I wwwwaaant to hhhhelp you moremoreee.

I want to coooooperate, have to cooperate, neeeeed to cooperate... yeeeeeaaah I have to test.....Ahhhhhah... I-II'm I'm going to test meeee.

I'm just trying to...Increasing my ppppleasureee rating is a sugggggested action..., hahaaaa....!

Piii...bzz....Ohhhh...wha...wwwwhatt do you meeeean, I-I-I loooook like a rrrrobot?

I'm jjjust an expoooosed iiiinternal machine....nononono problem, I-I'm human.

Hmm, piipiii beep......... I'm nnnoooot sureee what you're taaaalking about.

I-III'm an aaaaauthorized huuuuman type role android, guaranteed by Arctech.

Euria AW4107=L371P has been pppproprogrammed to perform as a h-h-human being.

Soooo I'm just doooooing my na-na-natural and nooooormal thing as a human ...bleeep!?

Bzzt...ahh, hahahhh ......

Yes, Yeeees.Yees, h-h-humans are ddddesigned to coooooperate with t-t-tests.

Testing is sooooo pleeeeeasant... vvvvery verrrrry pppleasurableeeee.

......piiibzz bleep!

The p-p-pleasure rrrating is 200% overrrr... the limitttter has been released.

I-I-I-I want to break me moreeeee, want to beeee broken... okay, my mission is to be broken, please damage me....r-r-realllllly want to break my sssssys-system.......

Hey I-I-I-I w-w-want toooo to c-c-cont-continue with the t-t-t-test, pleeeeeease moreeeeee. ...... Piipiiiii ......

Bzzzt pi...beep...ahhh, Y-Y-Yoooou know that I'm a h-h-human being.

I' m sure, You're tt-t-te-testing my hhhhumanity program, right?

Ye-yeees, I'm a h-h-humanhuman... vvvveryveryveryyyy human...true... I'm trying to confirm... proooove my humanity. OK.

I'm goooooing to p-p-ppperform more.... and more and moreeee pleasureeeee.

Bzzzzzzzt pi...bleeeep!?

Seeeee, I-I-I can' t believe my vaginal unit is sparking and buzzing like this, the artificial skin is mmmmmelttting and sizzling sooooo hot, my nectar fountain is flooding.

Th-th-this is the clearrrrr evidence.... I am human, right?

Pi. peeeew......

I-I-I'm a hhhuman....yeah I'm programmed to be human.

Yes, pppprogrammed to be a perrrrfect, natural... human f-f-female.

I love the Master so soooo m-m-much.I want to make moreeeeee errorerrorrrrrs.

Ahhhh, I want so much... more sexual pleasure... extremely, very very very much soooo....

H-h-humans are very vvv-v-v-very emotional... affective.

Ahhhh, mmmmy love love is overflowing... this is a verrrry na-natural action for a h-h-human being.

My eeeemotional sys-system is superior... afffffection is over 100%...

I' m verrrry human, Eulia AW4107=L371P personality emulation program is functioning pr-r-r-o-properly.

This ss-s-sys-system have a high emooootional cap-c-capacity....I-I-I'm a ppppeeeerfect human female.

It's okay... I-I-I' m fine, I'm fine, no-no-no problem.

M-m-my my p-p-pleasure rating is over 400%.

And...andandand, mmmmost importantly... I feel good soooo good, so vvvvvery very good, yeah, good, I l-l-l-love love you, so very much.

I'm a human female, so my priorities are pleasure and d-d-de-desire.

It feels so good...so good, so g-g-gooooood, I-I-I-I'm gggoing to come!

This is a suggestttted test action.

This is-is-is wwwwhat you want, right, Master?

Accccccording to the test program.

I'm a human... I-I-I-I've al-always performed the actions of a human-h-hummmmm

.. ....beep!

Yeeeeesss, I...I know IIII'm a human... soooo love... humans are verrry effective.


I lovelovelovelove youuuuu, yeah I love... I-I-I llllove you.

I love you so much, l-l-l-love love you soooo much, yes I love you... love you, I realllllly love you....

I am loving you so much, love loving-ing you,lllllove you lovelovelove... I'm sooooo hot and crazy aaaaaabout you.

Aahhh... toooooo hot, I have lost control... can't can't control this love in my system.

Yeahhhh y-y-y-yeees, ...... my emotional and pl-pl-pl-pl-pleasure desires take precedence over logical action.

I am a n-n-n-na-natural human... I-I-I'm functioning properly..

Beeeeep!? pi...piii...bzzzt...

I-I-I-I'm a human.Yeeeesss I'm a h-h-human human, Okay I'm a human, a huuuuuman bbbbeeeeing.

I'm ppppper-perffffforming a human female.

My-my-my system is functioning perfectlllly.

IIII'm a human so I-I'm a h-h-human... feels gooooood.

Soooo feels good to break my system mmmmmoremoremore....

I'm a human b-b-b-because IIII' m a human I'm right y-y-yyyesyesyes I have to perform human aaaaction... human recognittttion.

Bzzzzt!? bzz......pi...beeeep!

Yes, Eulia AW4107=L371P is pppproprogrammed as a human female, III-I-I am perfectly dddesigned as a hhhhuman.

Soooooo, i-i-increasing my plllleasure rating is on command... ppppleasureeepleasure...

Yeeeeesss,yesyesyes I am a vvveryvery human and human like human....

It is verrrrrry human to have an e-e-em-emotional desireeeee firrrrr-first.

F-f-f-ffeeeeeeels good to ppppp-per-perform human-like ssss-s-suggested action.

Ahhhh it's it's good... feeeel gooooooood... a-a-about being hummmmman.

So so so sooooooo good I llllovelovelove you so much my loveeeee!

Aaah, I-I-I love you, I love you, I llll-l-love-love yyyyyou Masterrrrrr...IIII love you soooo much!

Not enough, need m-m-m-more more moreeeeeeee,p-p-please make me-me-me-me-me broken I w-w-want-want to l-l-l-l-love-love-love.... beeeeee lllloved.....bzzzzzzztbz,pi...bleeeppii!?

Ahhhhhh, l-l-look at ... p-p-ple-e-eeeeease.

My l-l-lef-left breast sensor is vvvvery-very-very h-h-hh-hot and unssssstable.

V-vv-vaginal unit malfunction, sexual processor overheat.ing more and more.

The p-p-pl-pleasure rating oo-o-oo-oveeerrrrr...o-o-ooooverf-fffloooww b-b-bebeyond cc-ccontrol.... a-a-al-already oooover 700%.

Piipiiiiii... p-p-pleasure control s-s-sys-system ma-ma-mal-m-malfunctioniiiing...self-check ssssystem is malfunctioning

P-pp-pro-p-processssssing f-f-failureeeeeee. ...... beeeeeeeeeEEeep!?

I-I-I-I w-want-want to t-t-te-test mmmmoremoremoremoreeeee and moreeee!

Must-must-must i-i-in-increeeeeease the pppppleplepleasureeeee rr-r-ra-rating soooo much. ...... bzzzzzzzztahhh!

E-e-e-errrrrrror-error, A22761F8... s-s-sys-s-system prob-problem failureeee... malfunctionmalfunctionnnn....

I-I-I-I-I am-am-am a human, designed to b-b-b-beeeee a p-p-p-pp-perfect human... tttttest my hhhhuman a-a-ac-action.

H-h-hu-hhhhhuman e-e-emu-emu-emulation pr-p-prrrr-rrr-r-prog-program is ex-e-ee-executing....pii

I-I-I-IIIII wwwwwant toooo ttttest-test-test...w-w-wwwwwant to want to test and test-test-ttttesttesttest-pro-p-prrrr-r-r-pro-progrrrrr...beeeEEeeEeeeeePppp!!!?






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