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今年の描き初め。 長らく更新できず申し訳ありません。ご報告が遅れましたが暫く体調を崩しイラスト制作をお休みしていました。おかげさまで今は回復し作業を再開しております。 お正月中に投稿する予定だったおナミです。時期外れも甚だしいですがご笑納ください。このような不精者ですが本年も灰川ヘムレンにお付き合い頂ければ幸いです。 First drawing of this year. Sorry for not updating for a long time. I'm sorry to report this late, but I was not feeling well and took a break from creating illustrations for a while. Thanks to you, I have now recovered and have resumed work. This is Onami, which I was planning to post during the New Year. Please take a look. Although I am such a lazy person, I would appreciate it if you could join Haikawa Hemulen this year as well.



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