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冬コミ新刊間に合いませんでした…すいません… ひと月近く前から準備を始めていたはずなのにこの体たらく… 支援して頂いてる皆様にはこの様な報告しかできず不甲斐ないばかりです。 このイラストはC101新刊表紙の予定でしたが、急遽会場限定・オマケ本表紙に差し替え、支援者様にこちらで先行公開致します。 新刊完成は未定ですが来年の春頃の発行を目指して作業を進めて参ります。皆様にご支援賜りながらこの様な結果になりました事深くお詫び申し上げます。 I didn't make it in time for the new winter comic...I'm sorry... It's just a shame that I can only report this kind of report to everyone who supports me. This illustration was supposed to be on the cover of the new issue of C101, but it was suddenly replaced with a venue-limited bonus book cover, and will be released to supporters here in advance. The completion of the new book is undecided, but we will proceed with the work aiming to publish it around the spring of next year. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the support of all of you.




Yoooooo no worries! Art takes time! I'm just happy to see the return of this sexy power duo since Bricola 2! I can't wait to see the new book! I'm on a nostalgia trip lusting after the memories of the old book where Orihime and Rangiku get wrecked in that foursome!! Still a classic! Thanks for the update! Don't overwork yourself!

Adam Duplessie

Alright! Your Bleach doujin are back. They've always been great.


A new book with rangiku and Orihime likely rangiku is gonna show Orihime how to please a man if she hopes to snag Ichigo as her husband lol or this could Orihime embracing her mother's legacy that rangiku learned about lol either way it's a sexy time for all


投稿お疲れ様です。 できれば会場限定のものをfanboxで拝見したいのですが、 月々のプランの1000円以上のプランを用意されるご予定はございますでしょうか?


プレイリーオイスターさんこんにちは。 会場限定本の内容はここFANBOXですでに公開したイラストの編集版になっております。シルバーアーカイブプランご加入の方であればいつでもご覧頂けます。もしそれでも見たいとご希望されれば後日支援者様向けに公開しますね。




お疲れ様です。 先生の作品を追いかけ続けて10年、ぜひ現物がほしいものの、コミケには行けなさそうです。 また何かの機会で世に出てくれますように。委託あるなら有料で買います。






Hello Adam Duplessie👋😃 Sorry for the late reply.Thank you! I will do my best to show you the new Bleach doujinshi this year!✨


Hello BeeTogee 👋😃 Sorry for the late reply.Thank you for your concern! It will take some time, but I will do my best to show you the new Bleach doujinshi! Thank you very much for your continued support!


Hello flg1998 👋😃 Sorry for the late reply. I will do my best to show you sexy doujinshi of Orihime and Rangiku! Thank you very much for your continuous support!🙇‍♀️


No worries for the lateness! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work anyway!!!