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魅足の園 Ep.101は近日中に上げる予定です。また、先月は忙しくて趣味の版権イラストを描いている余裕がなかったけど、今月は新ポケガールズなどを描きたいと思ってます。




販売した同人誌に関しては支援サイトの1000円コース加入者は閲覧できるようにします。また、既にDLsite等で発売中の”魅足の園 Vol.1”に追加アップロードします。その際、販売価格を現在の100円から700円へと変更しますので、まだご購入されてない方はお早めにどうぞ。書籍が欲しい方はメロンブックスさんで通販しますので、少々お待ちください。



Happy new year! Let's go well this year!!

My plan

・The slave training chapter is 4 more episodes

 (I'll finish drawing by the end of this month)

・Supplementary story of Toka in February (between Test study and Beach story)

・The story of Kei after being caught by the police

・The story of Kei being called out by a school teacher

I want to post Ep.101 on the 3rd. Also, I was so busy last month that I couldn't afford to draw copyright illustrations for my hobby, but I want to draw new Pokemon Girls this month.

Blender's study is not progressing at all...😭

▼Comiket C101 Report

Comiket C101 has ended. Thank you to everyone who came! I sold about 30 out of 120 books! Thank you so much for coming!! It was very exciting for me to actually talk to my supporters! I thought I'd do my best from now on😊 I'm putting some photos of the Comiket scenery I took at the very end, so please take a look if you like.

Regarding the doujin books sold, the 1000 yen course subscribers of the support site will be able to view it. In addition, I will upload it to "Mitari no Sono Vol.1" which is already on sale on DLsite etc. At that time, we will change the selling price from the current 100 yen to 700 yen, so if you haven't purchased it yet, you should buy it as soon as possible. If you want a book, we will entrust it to Melon Books, so please wait a moment.

It is undecided whether I’ll release doujin books in the future or not, but I plan to re-drawing the digital version in the manga format sequentially after Vol.2 and sell it on DLsite. If I proceed successfully, I think I can probably move all to the manga format around August.












Happy New Year! Looking forward to your creations in 2023! Wish you a successful 2023 in every possible way!


Happy New Year! Thank you for all your hard work this year! Good work at Comiket! I look forward to seeing all your new work in 2023!


コミケ行ってみたいなぁ〜w いつも楽しみに待ってます!


Happy New Year! Thanks for your great work! A good year with still more tasty girls and soles!😋


Happy new year!


I look forward to supporting you in the new year!

b 27

Thanks for all your amazing works this year! You have improved leaps and bounds as an artist! Happy New Year! 🎉💖


I pray there's more karate themed stories in the future. Nothing sexier than a karate girl in a white GI showing her best footwork 🥋👣😋


HAPPY NEW YEAR NUSH-SAN! Hlad to hear that Comiket was fun and great! Nice on selling 30 of your doujin! 😁 Lots of things to look forward to this year, gonna be great alright! Awesome to know you’ll be releasing the first volume on fanbox, I haven’t seen the first few chapters in a long while so it’ll be nice to reread them again in the new format! 😊 Hope the holidays been great for ya too, thankfor your hardwork as always and see ya when you release the next episode Nush-san! 😄


Comiket... I want to go someday, that why I'm studying Japanese hard right now. 私 は 日本語 を べんきょうします! I am a bit sad you only sold 30 out of 120. Some of your fans are stuck outside of Japan. Hopefully they won't go to waste. Also, yay! More PokéGirls! Looking forward to them. I still only want them partner up with Ash... Also, he's leaving the anime! The animators are cruel, there was other ways Ash could've continue his journey... :(


あけましておめでとうございます! 今年もどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします!


Happy New Year!! I still have a lot of challenges, but I will overcome them!💪☺️✨


Happy New Year!! I don't know how far I can do, but I'll do my best to the best I can! Thanks to your support, I can do my best again. Thank you!😊


If you ever come to Japan, please rely on me. I can support you.😊 I was also shocked that Ash got off.😭


去年はいろいろとお世話になりました。 こちらこそよろしくお願いします!